Taxation in and of itself doesn't equate to robbery, but when you use taxation as a means to take from the haves and give to the havenots then it equates to robbery
Not really. Robbery is illegal, taxation is legal.
Even in a dictatorship, taxation is legal in international law.
In democracies - and the US is still techically a democracy despite the best efforts of the GOP and the rich - your argument is simply wrong: elected legislators make tax law. What they decide to do is entirely legal and not remotely like robbery. If you disagree with their decisions, you have the option to elect someone else next time.
The democrats trounced republicans in the election a couple of months ago. Just about the only substantive policy issue discussed in the presidential election was taxation, therefore there is now a very clear mandate for tax
increases for the rich.
The rich incidentally, are paying a lower proportion of their income in tax than they have since (I'm guessing) the '50s, so they have no reason to complain. As one of the richest of the rich, Warren Buffet says, they've never had it so good - last week's record high on the stock market would tend to back that argument up.
This is why we desperately need tax reform here in the US
I think most people would agree with that.
We have created a culture where half of the country pays no federal taxes and the other half funds their behavior
Guess you missed the whole debacle over Romney's biggest (and boy, it had some competition) gaff?
Also, I assume, by "funding" you mean Social Security .. which is paid from payroll taxes, not federal taxes.
Ironically, a majority of the 47% are also natural GOP supporters - pensioners who aren't getting any 'funding'.
Then, there are the 24,000 of the top 1% of earners that the Tax Policy Center data shows pay no federal income taxes. Not sure if that includes Romney .. certainly he doesn't pay income tax as he hasn't been employed since he was governor (however that's spelled) ..
Half of the country has no skin in the game and thus has no motivation to change anything
If you mean the dispossed and disenfranchised, I'd suggest they have pretty much their entire skin in the game.
The other half that is paying for everything wants change, but they get shouted down as greedy by the half that pays nothing.
Err .. the "other half"
does pay taxes: payroll, property, sales taxes etc.
Plus, the richest 1% pay less than a third of income tax*, so in fact, it's the non-wealthy who are paying for everything. In fact, people with an average income of
just $36,000 pay around half of all income tax*.
So basically, the rich pay for
some of this, but by no means an unfair share. Particularly given how much they have benefitted over the last couple of decades:
their real income has trebled while middle class real income has fallen (for the first time since the great depression). They're not called the privileged for nothing.
* I quoted the link for this last week - can't be bothered to find it again