I know that it has been mentioned, but this data dropping is annoying and I don't understand. I used the Razr non stop this morning for about 3 hours without issue. Then it started up again. Is everyone not seeing this? Do I need to exchange? I checked out the Rezound this morning and man it was a brick compared to the Razr.
Love the Razr, but this is a huge flaw.
I don't know why with every new 4G Verizon phone, people are surprised by this behavior. My Charge did it relentlessly, my Bionic does it but less frequently, every single Verizon 4G phone does it. I'm not the least bit surprised that the Razr does it too. This must be at least partially the fault of the Verizon 4G network.
Until Verizon does something with their network, this will never change.