I recently got a blu g90 and I have an SD card in it set up as internal storage and for a time as I was installing apps I noticed some of them were going to the SD card that I knew would not work correctly on the SD card and I transferred them to internal storage however now all the sudden as I continue to add my former apps to the new device I'm finding that now whatever storage they get installed on they are stuck on. About dying I've tried migrating the data for the whole storage back to internal storage before it's too full to handle it and if the button won't select I try moving individual apps from SD card to internal storage button won't select same goes the other way. Any ideas what might be causing this and how to override it? There's no settings I can find that would have caused it or that I can alter to re-enable transfer or migration of data and like I said the button is frozen it will not engage to migrate the data individually or as a whole