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Should I get galaxy 3 to save my unlimited data plan?

I am eligible for an upgrade but I don't want SGS3. I want Droid razr hd. I am currently using the maxx and I am completely satisfied. With the rumored data change coming soon, I am worried that the razr hd upgrade will take my unlimited data away. I'm thinking about buying sgs3 with a new contact and selling it and save the money to buy the razr hd strait out. This way I will have unlimited for at least two more years. If I don't renew my contract is it possible for Verizon to take unlimited data away from us? What do you guys think?
I am eligible for an upgrade but I don't want SGS3. I want Droid razr hd. I am currently using the maxx and I am completely satisfied. With the rumored data change coming soon, I am worried that the razr hd upgrade will take my unlimited data away. I'm thinking about buying sgs3 with a new contact and selling it and save the money to buy the razr hd strait out. This way I will have unlimited for at least two more years. If I don't renew my contract is it possible for Verizon to take unlimited data away from us? What do you guys think?

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I'm not sure how Verizon is handling the data issue. Do you need unlimited data? I've know a few folks that were all mad about this issue then come to find out that they are hooked to Wifi most of the time so I explained that on Wifi you not using their data so thats not part of the "Limitation" Also have you gone and talked to your local Verizon rep to see if you got the droid razr if that would allow you to keep your current plan? As far as not renewing my understanding is that once the contract period expires you are on a month to month contract that is based on your current plan, however with Verizon looking to do some data throttling then it is possible that yes it could take away the unlimited. That solely depends on what Verizon wants to do about that situation.
Currently you can still get ANY Verizon device at a subsidized price and still keep your unlimited data. This includes any new phones that are released before shared data begins. Once the shared data plans are introduced, you can still keep your unlimited data but you have to pay full price for a phone. You might want to follow the Grandfather thread in the Verizon sub forum.

From a May 16th article:
Verizon provided some further clarification on the planned shift in policy to The New York Times. Customers that have an unlimited data plan can maintain the service by paying full retail price for future devices — essentially forfeiting the savings that usually come with an upgrade. The carrier's full statement:
– Customers will not be automatically moved to new shared data plans. If a 3G or 4G smartphone customer is on an unlimited plan now and they do not want to change their plan, they will not have to do so.
– When we introduce our new shared data plans, Unlimited Data will no longer be available to customers when purchasing handsets at discounted pricing.
– Customers who purchase phones at full retail price and are on an unlimited smartphone data plan will be able to keep that plan.
– The same pricing and policies will be applied to all 3G and 4G LTE smartphones.
I've read all of that before but I just don't trust that Verizon will keep its word for those non contract people. I'm almostpositive that the new razr hd won't be out before the changes go through. Thanks for the replies so far.so I guess neither of you would get the S3 just to preserve the unlimited data? Do I need unlimited? I say yes because I fluctuate from month to month.I've gone under 2GB but I've also gone over 4 before. Of rather be safe than sorry.
Keeping UD wasn't the main reason I ordered the S3, but it was a factor. Verizon has said they would announce a couple of weeks before the shared plans go into effect. Of course, then it's a scrabble to settle for subsidized phones currently in the lineup, our just wait and pay full price for what you want, when you want it to keep UD.
I just don't trust Verizon. Id rather not be under contract but in reality I'm not going anywhere anyway. I can see them force non contract customers into tiered data by the end of the year. With no contract there is no leg to stand on.
I'm ready for an upgrade and want to keep my unlimited data too. Probably going to get the GSIII to do that, although I do like the sound of that phone. Except the screen size, I'd prefer a smaller screen. Hopefully there is SOMETHING announce about the Razr HD soon, but I'm not holding my breath. Moto/Verizon have kept that phone so secret that I think people have stopped caring about it, lol! But the leaked pics look nice, and the 4.6" screen is closer to the size I'd rather have than a 4.8". Of course, if the GSIII does prove too big, I could always return it for a GNex. Either way, I'm getting something soon to preserve my UD, and it will probably be the GSIII.
I just don't trust Verizon. Id rather not be under contract but in reality I'm not going anywhere anyway. I can see them force non contract customers into tiered data by the end of the year. With no contract there is no leg to stand on.

You don't have to be under contract for them to alter the terms:
Can Verizon Wireless Change This Agreement or My Service?
We may change prices or any other term of your Service or this agreement at any time, but we
I'm talking about them changing my plan when I'm not under a contract anymore.my two years are up and I haven't renewed my contract. When the tiered data kicks in, what's to stop them from making those without a contract lose their unlimited data.if they aren't under contract Verizon isn't obligated to continue their plan.
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