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should I install flash on my android ?

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will adobe inform me of updates when needed ?
I mean, in know how it works on my PC with windows, I guess flash versions have to be updated on mobile phones as well

You won't be updated by Adobe or the Google Play store about updates for this Flash Player, but the latest release for mobiles is which you can verify by going to the Adobe Flash website and clicking on "older versions" and scrolling down the page until you reach the Android 4.0 versions.

You can also copy the text from the Web link below and paste it into your Web browser to update from to You need to uninstall Flash first and then install the newer one

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google doesn't support it for andoid ? maybe there is a good reason...
installing unsupported software sound like a security hole to me

The new updates that they bring out prevent anything like security holes from appearing and also bring improvements or optimizations etc.

Adobe want HTML5 to replace Flash as it uses up too many resources etc, compared to HTML5.

Unfortunately my web experience would be miserable without Adobe Flash at this time, and many websites apparently aren't listening to the call to replace their Flash video with HTML, as you can see by going to Disney.com

At the moment however unoptimized Adobe Flash is a lot of phones aren't breaking a sweat watching it, considering new technology.
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