In 49 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia, prostitution is illegal. In Nevada; however, heavily regulated legal prostitution exists. Street prostitution and pimping is illegal, and it is illegal in Clark County (which includes Las Vegas). It is legal to operate a brothel in in any county with a population under a certain level.
I think that allowing legal brothels that are properly regulated could reduce the spread of STDs that illegal street hookers might spread around. Nevada requires the use of condoms for all in the industry. If two adult people willingly consent to have sex in exchange for money, why should the government stop them? I agree that public solicitation and pimping should be illegal, or at least heavily regulated ("pimps" would be the people who operate the brothels). This is because the government has a legitimate interest in reducing the spread of STDs, and regulating industries that around based around sex helps to contain STDs.
Prostitutes can get around the law anyway by disguising their services as "escort services". I've seen escort ads in the back of every porn magazine I've browsed through. This is pretty much prostitution under a different name, which makes it legal.
Opinions? Discuss.
I think that allowing legal brothels that are properly regulated could reduce the spread of STDs that illegal street hookers might spread around. Nevada requires the use of condoms for all in the industry. If two adult people willingly consent to have sex in exchange for money, why should the government stop them? I agree that public solicitation and pimping should be illegal, or at least heavily regulated ("pimps" would be the people who operate the brothels). This is because the government has a legitimate interest in reducing the spread of STDs, and regulating industries that around based around sex helps to contain STDs.
Prostitutes can get around the law anyway by disguising their services as "escort services". I've seen escort ads in the back of every porn magazine I've browsed through. This is pretty much prostitution under a different name, which makes it legal.
Opinions? Discuss.