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Should you upgrade to the Google Pixel from the Nexus 5X?

100% yes. The Nexus 5X is an all around terrible Android experience which can mostly be attributed to the horrible Snapdragon 808 processor and low RAM.

Going back to the 5X from multiple Snapdragon 820 devices with loads of RAM and the difference is immediately apparent. Sucks too because I love the size and most everything else about the 5X. The new Google Pixel beats it in every conceivable way.
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100% yes. The Nexus 5X is an all around terrible Android experience which can mostly be attributed to the horrible Snapdragon 808 processor and low RAM.

Going back to the 5X from multiple Snapdragon 820 devices with loads of RAM and the difference is immediately apparent. Sucks too because I love the size and most everything else about the 5X. The new Google Pixel beats it in every conceivable way.

An all around terrible Android experience? LOL please explain! 2GB RAM in the 5X is the same found in the Nexus 5. As an owner of a 5X I have yet to experience one hiccup or type of slowdown on my device.
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