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I've been using siri mainly for notifications and for texting while i'm driving. it seems to work really well so far, with the exception of one time last night when it failed to understand me, and we got into a little argument:

Me: Set a reminder in 45 minutes to record the sons of anarchy.

Siri: What is the child's name?

Me: I don't have a child.

Siri: What is the child's name?

Me: THERE IS NO CHILD, set a reminder in 45 minutes to record my show.

Siri. Tom, I'm not sure I understand that. What is your child's name?

Me: Siri, do you want me to have children?

Siri: I will set a reminder in 45 minutes to record sons of anarchy.

I find that these voice recognition apps SUCK when the person name is not an English Name . I've tried Siri and a whole slew of others and saying my Chinese, Korean or Vietnames friends' names, these apps (including Siri) get it WRONG.

Also, I have a very slight accent so when I was using Siri, it couldn't really understand me. Even though I enunciated it perfectly.

Makes you wonder if it actually is a person behind Siri. I bet a computer handles a lot of the traffic, but I wonder if the computer can't find anything relevant or in it's programming if it just forwards it to a human. Because that is definitely an old comedy skit.

You Will read about it, so I'll come clean. Siri is suing me for sexual harassment. I complimented her on her sultry voice and she went to HR and complained. She decided to sue me even though I offered her a settlement.
Well, Apple bought Siri (yes, the entire company) for the sole purpose of defeating competition.
They will now be able to claim this technology as their own, and they will NOT be making an Android version.
Fugging sellouts...

You should save your anger. This is nothing new and with the sale of Siri to Apple, it is Apple's technology.

No, Apple did not invent it. Siri is a complicated technology and there are lots of heavy hitters and brilliance behind the technology and its future development. Those that developed Siri did not invent everything; they relied upon much of the work of others. As I recall, DARPA, various universities, and others are either directly involved or provided research Apple uses to further develop Siri.

Larger companies have been purchasing smaller (or equal or larger or same size) companies for a very long time and for many different reasons. Sometimes it is to knock out competition and sometimes it is to acquire technology. You make it sound like some horrible thing.

Not at all.

What Apple did was no different than what many corporations have done forever. I am sure Google bought companies just for their technology. And Android came from Google.

I worked for a company that was bought just for our proprietary technology. There was a time when Apple was small and in our market segment, we absolutely ruled supreme.

Apple should own Siri. It gives them total control and since Apple has plenty of development cash, they can build Siri into something cool. And for all you know, Apple has plans to develop other cool products based upon Siri. Not sure if the folks at Siri are upset. After Apple's check arrives, I'll bet there was/is a party.

So what if there is no Android version? Does everything Apple do need to be also done for Android? Nothing to prevent Android devs from comming up with something like Siri.

Siri was once an App Store app but Apple removed it. I completely ignored and dismissed it. Apple came along and made it a hot property.

My theory is Siri is one of those applications that will cause many people to purchase the iPhone. Apple is great at mass marketing. Not so sure Android can compete because most people will only see Siri and even if Android out does Apple, it might not matter.
I really doubt folks are buying iphones for the sole purpose of siri. Apple has no choice but to market siri. You really think apple would push the notification function that they copy from android?. Siri to me is a feature you showoff to your friends. As for the every day function, it's in the same boat as facetime..
I really doubt folks are buy iphone for the sole purpose of siri. Apple has no choice but to market siri. You really think apple would push the notification function that they copy from android. Siri to me is a feature you showoff to your friends as for the every day function, it's in the same boat as facetime..

And I disagree with you.

No doubt in my mind that Siri will drive iPhone sales. The web, email, other applications is what drove the sales of the iPad and it is what drives the sales of Android devices. And the sales of the iPhone.

It is and will always be about applications and Siri is just another must have application in the minds of many.
I've been using both a Droid Pro and the iPhone 4s for the past month, and I use siri all the time. Especially for reminders and looking up phone numbers, texting while driving, etc. It's a lot more useful than your standard voice recognition systems in my opinion.
I've been using both a Droid Pro and the iPhone 4s for the past month, and I use siri all the time. Especially for reminders and looking up phone numbers, texting while driving, etc. It's a lot more useful than your standard voice recognition systems in my opinion.

Siri or Siri-esque? Last I Googled, Siri was not ported to Android. Several voice apps for Android, just no Siri.
siri is only in usa.. right? so, outside the usa.. what is pushing iphone 4s sales? android's notification bar? faster performance in the same box? apple does not think the market outside usa not that important?
siri is only in usa.. right? so, outside the usa.. what is pushing iphone 4s sales? android's notification bar? faster performance in the same box? apple does not think the market outside usa not that important?

I think it is the infatuation people have for Apple, also the great marketing they do for the iphone. The 4s did not bring anything really new to the table. I think even Apple knows this as well. Siri is all they advertise and lets be honest,it's not new.
I think it is the infatuation people have for Apple, also the great marketing they do for the iphone. The 4s did not bring anything really new to the table. I think even Apple knows this as well. Siri is all they advertise and lets be honest,it's not new.

So let me ask a question: of all the voice recognition programs for portable devices available right now from Android, Blackberry, whatever else there is, how does Siri compare to all the others?

Siri is not new, granted. But is Siri better than all the rest?
@Bob maxey. Well I don't own an iphone and never used Siri.I have tried the voice search for google and it's a hit or missed at times. But from the video I have observed and folks comments, I don't feel it is substantially way about the rest. It has the same issues like most voice search features. Sometimes it gets it, sometimes it don't. Do I feel it is better?, no.
siri is very good.. much better than android's implementation.. and i am glad siri is here.. it will push google to make it better.

but.. if android came out with 1 upgrade per year and 1 phone... and it only came with siri.. and a copy of some other OS's notification..

I would feel let down.. and start to understand why the are using legal bullying to slow the competition.
I find that these voice recognition apps SUCK when the person name is not an English Name . I've tried Siri and a whole slew of others and saying my Chinese, Korean or Vietnames friends' names, these apps (including Siri) get it WRONG.

Also, I have a very slight accent so when I was using Siri, it couldn't really understand me. Even though I enunciated it perfectly.

That seems to be the case for VLingo as well. I tried to say the name Yee Wing and it ends up as "you win" instead.
What little I've actually seen of Siri is nothing to call home about. Just today I had someone demo it to me from their 4s and it messed up about 50% of the time. It's pretty inaccurate a lot of the times according to other users, and Android's voice recognition system is capable of doing most of the basic stuff people use Siri for.

Siri is definitely beta and there's a whole lot more work to be done to make it anywhere close to what it's hyped up to be.
I love the Siri feature for doing immature things like asking it where to dump a body and how I can find a rich man to marry.
siri is only in usa.. right? so, outside the usa.. what is pushing iphone 4s sales? android's notification bar? faster performance in the same box? apple does not think the market outside usa not that important?

Actually i use Siri in japan, and it can still do a lot of the tasks, just not things that require location (ex. search for closest Chinese restaurant).
but weather, reminders, calling, researching web etc.

So Siri is a big reason for iPhone users outside of US to purchase 4s.
Also, localization for each country is expected to be ready soon...

great way the Japanese use Siri is to practice their pronunciation. :D
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