Android Enthusiast
To Those who created and gave life to a thread about an anticipated phone release, this is dedicated to you!
Some of you may recognize me from a certain thread that locked this morning, what I like to call: The Most Epic Android Thread of All Time: Otherwise known as the Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread....Well, by six minutes I managed to miss getting my last post in.
So, with the encouragement and endorsement of that threads wonderful Mod and creator, Steven58, I will instead post here, what was supposed to close out my feelings on what felt like the longest few months of my life (that means something given that I am already 32
). Anyway, I hope this is in some way meaningful to some of the 1000's of people on this amazing little forum.
Final Post:
Alright this is it, short and sweet, I had to change my signature just for this occasion!
You all have become like family to me over these last few months, although, I only joined in Nov, as many of you who continued to come out of the woodwork due to the stellar, tight-knit community created here, I followed this thread as a lurker on and off for several months before that. Now that it finally is at an end, I am sad, but in a good way!
You all have come to feel like my own friends even though, we have never spoken together in real life (to my knowledge!!) Anyway, I already had said thanks to the mods, and guides and of course Rob the site owner, but I'm gonna do it again. Truthfully, there are WAY too many people here with who's posts I have both enjoyed reading and replying to, to name by name. So, instead, I am just saying a big thank you to all of you collectively!
This place has been a real virtual (is that an oxymoron?) second home to me ever since I joined here, and all of you are really, extremely special. Its been a crazy ride, and I look forwards to joining you all at BB's The G-Nex Watering Hole soon. Happy Nexus Day everyone!
Some of you may recognize me from a certain thread that locked this morning, what I like to call: The Most Epic Android Thread of All Time: Otherwise known as the Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release Thread....Well, by six minutes I managed to miss getting my last post in.

Final Post:
Alright this is it, short and sweet, I had to change my signature just for this occasion!
You all have become like family to me over these last few months, although, I only joined in Nov, as many of you who continued to come out of the woodwork due to the stellar, tight-knit community created here, I followed this thread as a lurker on and off for several months before that. Now that it finally is at an end, I am sad, but in a good way!
You all have come to feel like my own friends even though, we have never spoken together in real life (to my knowledge!!) Anyway, I already had said thanks to the mods, and guides and of course Rob the site owner, but I'm gonna do it again. Truthfully, there are WAY too many people here with who's posts I have both enjoyed reading and replying to, to name by name. So, instead, I am just saying a big thank you to all of you collectively!
This place has been a real virtual (is that an oxymoron?) second home to me ever since I joined here, and all of you are really, extremely special. Its been a crazy ride, and I look forwards to joining you all at BB's The G-Nex Watering Hole soon. Happy Nexus Day everyone!