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Help slowdown of keyboard vert to horizontal

more details? do you have a lot of apps loaded etc? i don't have the problems because i only added 3 apps apart from the OEM ones.
has anyone noticed a slowdown in switching from vertical to horizontal... its making me crazy

Actually yes. Mine's been going a little slower, and actually lagging a bit while typing. I think I have a rogue app killing my battery/processor speed though.
I do have a lot of apps but they are not all running at the same time. I just got Dolphin HD2 and noticed the lagging of the keyboard, but the vert to horizontal switch has been going on even before I dl that browser. I also tested between stock and better keyboard and got the same results. No battery issues really.

i only added 3 apps apart from the OEM ones.

Only 3 apps! WOW, the only thing left stock on my inc is the twitter full page, the dialer and contacts.
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