just saw my first Smart car commercial.. you know they little 2 door box thing with 4 wheels...
tag line: unbig, uncar
what the hell does "uncar" mean.. when you are trying to sell a car?

i was driving to work the other day.. on a new route..because of traffic..
at a stop light.. i look to my right and see a church...
noticed a big sign over the main entrance...
"open on Sundays.. for your convenience"
I had to read it 3 times.. to make sure I did not mis-understand.
tag line: unbig, uncar
what the hell does "uncar" mean.. when you are trying to sell a car?

i was driving to work the other day.. on a new route..because of traffic..
at a stop light.. i look to my right and see a church...
noticed a big sign over the main entrance...
"open on Sundays.. for your convenience"
I had to read it 3 times.. to make sure I did not mis-understand.