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sms voice reply did send


Android Expert
Oct 23, 2010
hi guys.
tried this last night.
new message.. reply.. google speak from watch....
first attempt appeared to send message but second attempt just had the spinning icon on watch then failed :-\
...when i checked for first message i couldn't see it anywhere!?

htc m8 4.4.2 and 360 sport

anything google server related needs data, so an internet connection is a must.

just try again later. its wireless so any number of things can go wrong.

restart your watch. restart the phone.

point is its not 100% fool proof so it will fail at times. just be patient and try later or pull your phone out and compose and send.
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thanks guys... ah ok.. could be that i use contacts app instead of stock sms app then... ok cheers

actually voice recognition on the phone is very good just on the watch is not so good I think

sometimes my reply to sms works ok from my watch and other times it gets a bit random.... so was thinking that a 'ok to send' option would be a good addition :-D
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You have my vote. That would be a great feature to avoid sending gibberish garbled sms messages, and then having to followup with a correction (it's really embarassing when the correction is also garbled!)

It is an unfortunate behavior not only when sending voice sms from the watch, but also from the phone using google now voice commands. It seems that google is trying to "keep it simple", but that misses the point if simple doesn't work in the real world.

It seems that it should not be too difficult for a 3rd party app developer to implement that function if they perceive it is useful. It may already be available from among the tens or hundreds of 3rd party sms apps with wear compatibility, but I'm not aware of it.
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