Extreme Android User
So I've actually given this some thought recently with the petty bickering over the debt ceiling going on in Washington. I really think we need to overhaul the way our government is organized completely.
Let's be honest here. Our government was sketched out and organized over 200 years ago when we had just 13 states and it could literally take days to get news and information from New York to Carolina. The needs and concerns of the local farmers were different than the needs and concerns of the State they lived in. You had rural areas that had different concerns than more populated areas. At the end of the day you had no more than 40 or so people getting together in DC to make decisions.
But now things have changed significantly. We've got 50 states and 535 Senators and Representatives. Senators no longer represent the states, they represent the electorate. Can someone name any business anywhere where over 500 people get together to make the big decisions? There are entirely too many people involved in the process. I'll bet you money that when Microsoft, IBM, Apple, GM, Sony, etc...all get together to strategize in the biggest sense there is no more than 20-30 people in the room. Yet the US makes the most important decisions based on the consensus of over 500 people.
So I think we really, really need to slim things down. I would propose one body of representatives. Let's get rid of the Senate altogether or cut it in half one. Do States really have different interests than their citizens? I'm not convinced they do. Let's have just the house that clearly represents the needs of the populace. I am convinced that we don't need 100 Senators. Let's cut it down to 50.
As for the House, 435 is way too many people to even get together in one place. Is it a wonder they can't get anything done? Does rural Texas really have needs that are different than rural Tennessee? The world is much, much flatter than it was in 1776. My state (KS) has 4 representatives. Half the state is rural farming and a small portion is heavily populated. Do we really need three representatives to represent the needs of the farming community? I think not. I say give each major city (however we decide to define that) a representative and one for each capital city. Scatter 2-3 other representatives through out the state to represent the smaller towns and rural areas.
For example, California has 60 some odd representatives. Why not break that down and give a rep to say San Francisco, San Diego, LA and Sacramento. Those are the major cities in the state. Add 2-3 more representatives in the rural, farming centers (as their concerns would be different than those in the urban area) and suddenly you have 6-7 representatives instead of 60. You actually have a group of people who is small enough that they can get things done.
Am I the only one who thinks we really need to overhaul the basic way we do government?
Let's be honest here. Our government was sketched out and organized over 200 years ago when we had just 13 states and it could literally take days to get news and information from New York to Carolina. The needs and concerns of the local farmers were different than the needs and concerns of the State they lived in. You had rural areas that had different concerns than more populated areas. At the end of the day you had no more than 40 or so people getting together in DC to make decisions.
But now things have changed significantly. We've got 50 states and 535 Senators and Representatives. Senators no longer represent the states, they represent the electorate. Can someone name any business anywhere where over 500 people get together to make the big decisions? There are entirely too many people involved in the process. I'll bet you money that when Microsoft, IBM, Apple, GM, Sony, etc...all get together to strategize in the biggest sense there is no more than 20-30 people in the room. Yet the US makes the most important decisions based on the consensus of over 500 people.
So I think we really, really need to slim things down. I would propose one body of representatives. Let's get rid of the Senate altogether or cut it in half one. Do States really have different interests than their citizens? I'm not convinced they do. Let's have just the house that clearly represents the needs of the populace. I am convinced that we don't need 100 Senators. Let's cut it down to 50.
As for the House, 435 is way too many people to even get together in one place. Is it a wonder they can't get anything done? Does rural Texas really have needs that are different than rural Tennessee? The world is much, much flatter than it was in 1776. My state (KS) has 4 representatives. Half the state is rural farming and a small portion is heavily populated. Do we really need three representatives to represent the needs of the farming community? I think not. I say give each major city (however we decide to define that) a representative and one for each capital city. Scatter 2-3 other representatives through out the state to represent the smaller towns and rural areas.
For example, California has 60 some odd representatives. Why not break that down and give a rep to say San Francisco, San Diego, LA and Sacramento. Those are the major cities in the state. Add 2-3 more representatives in the rural, farming centers (as their concerns would be different than those in the urban area) and suddenly you have 6-7 representatives instead of 60. You actually have a group of people who is small enough that they can get things done.
Am I the only one who thinks we really need to overhaul the basic way we do government?