Android Enthusiast
You can disagree with the chart all you want, the fact remains that analysis shows an aggregate tax reduction of about 15% on income over $200k. Higher incomes would see even higher tax reductions as they spend a far smaller percentage of their income. And you can bet that second homes, yachts, etc. would receive preferable treatment (just as they do now).
To make it revenue neutral it would have to be around 32-34% on every purchase. That would make houses, gasoline, food, clothing, insurance, etc. all 32-34% more expensive. Any exceptions to the tax would simply result in higher overall rates. This "consumption tax" would serve to lower consumption, causing revenue losses, which would require increasing the tax to maintain revenue neutrality. This in turn would further reduce consumption, etc., etc.
The claim that 50% pay no income tax is technically true but entirely bogus. The implication is that 50% are freeloaders. This blatantly and intentionally ignores the fact that 40% of all federal revenue comes from payroll taxes paid by every working citizen, and proportionally more by the lower income classes because of caps around 100k. A guy making $300k pays less than 2% while a guy making 40k pays 7.6% (or 15.6% if self-employed).
The other part of this that is bogus is that a large percentage of the population is so poor that they fall below the level at which income tax is collected. Try all you want, you simply can't tax people who don't have any money. Next, you'll probably blame them for being poor ...
Changing the tax system will not fix government. Removing money from politics might. It's not going to happen because the vast majority of 100 senators - Democrat and Republican - are securely on the corporate payroll and will be no matter what.
Where'd you get the chart? I'd like to read up some more on my own ...
As for preferential treatment of 2nd homes, yachts, etc - that's the whole point of the Fair Tax. Remember, we are obviously making assumptions here - the law has not been passed. And the Fair Tax plainly states that there are NO EXCEPTIONS / NO PREFERENTIAL treatments. That is part of the plan, so you can't just arbitrarily remove them because you think it might happen (although given the history of the morons in Washinton, DC - it very well might). but we are talking about a proposal here, and the proposal as written does not make exceptions. Heck, even FOOD is taxed. And Housing. I dont' want exceptions for ANYTHING.
Also, where do you get the 32-34% numbers to make it revenue neutral? I would again like to read more about this rather than just disagreeing. I am using numbers from the FairTax web site for my information.
Why do you say it would reduce consumption. I don't know if this is true or not .... although the argument could be made that it will increase consumption as people will have more money in their paychecks and the prices of goods / services will not go up that much.
I said about 50% don't pay income tax. That is fact, can't be argued. I absolutely NEVER said or implied that they were freeloaders - because they aren't.
As for the social security end of payroll taxes ... these were not meant to fund government operations - these were meant to fund RETIREMENT stuff, so at a certain point (about 100,000) they are capped out. While i don't necessarily agree with this, that is the way it is. This is NOT Federal Income tax and I never said it was. Our fearless leaders in Washington have used this Soc. Sec. money to fund other things ... that's another issue altogether.
Poor people not paying income tax? I didn't say anything about that. Or it being their fault. Don't put words in my mouth - stick to the facts.
What do YOU PROPOSE? You say changing the tax system won't fix government, but what will? You've got to start somewhere, right?
also, please re-read the last part of my post - i plainly state that this will NEVER HAPPEN because of the power hungry politicians.
One other point - and i'm pretty sure this is where some of the revenue will come from, is that eliminating corporate income taxes will make the United States a highly desirable place to do business in the world economy. Money being hidden / kept abroad by the big companies you seem to loathe will come rushing back if they don't have to pay taxes, right?