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Help so many issues after jb update

Couldn't agree more. I've had an Eris, a DINC, a Maxx, and now a Maxx HD (gave the Maxx to my wife). None of these phones have been rooted or had any weird ROMs installed. We've had nothing but good results from updates and the phones run great. I've tried hundreds of apps, some are good and some not, just uninstall when they were not what I wanted. QuickPic in particular is one of the best I've tried. FDR is the way to go!
no. and i think its ridiculous that that needs to be the solution. i have to spend 10 hours of my life, re-doing everything on my phone, after installing something "official"

perhaps that will fix it. after the ICS update tho, all of the bugs i had from that, i had the suggestion to do a fdr, and wasted 10 hours of my life on something that didnt fix a thing.

10 hours at even $20 an hour is $200. i might as well go buy a new phone.

granted im exaggerating, but by the time i go through all of the ohh crap.. still need to fix that back to the way it was... its not far from 10 hours. ha.

ugh. time to bite the bullet. if everything isnt fixed tho, im holding you responsible.


My, such first world problems...
I've lost speed dial after the JB update. Has anyone got speed dial back from doing a FDR? Is there an easier way of getting it back?
I've lost speed dial after the JB update. Has anyone got speed dial back from doing a FDR? Is there an easier way of getting it back?

no. this was the genious of this update. they dropped this feature for no real reason. not to pave the way for something else... just gone.

i got DW contacts app to replace the stock dialer. it works pretty well, but then again... its one more thing to tweak every time there is a system update.
I guess I finally got lucky. Everything works fine, but the speed dial. Guess I can get over that. Would be nice if they gave it back though. BTW, I didn't have to Factory Reset. ( Yet )
After JB my phone is garbage. I am not a techie person and as the years goes on I am even less of one.
Before JB I could get reception. After Verizon said sorry = JB reduces reception @40
% and it was according to Verizon the update!.

Among all of the other cheezy changes I can't even see the street names/numbers on google maps - only the town names get larger, and only a little. Weather bug is gone and it won't download, although it says it is. Alarm/timer is gone and replaced with "clock." I know I am not the sharpest tack in the shed, but this is not an update, and google admitted they are recording every keystroke you make for their own uses, and they do mean every - it's part of the operating system!
How can we do the adult thing and return to last week - someone has to have the last desert issued which actually worked. Someone has to have saved it!
After JB my phone is garbage. I am not a techie person and as the years goes on I am even less of one.
Before JB I could get reception. After Verizon said sorry = JB reduces reception @40
% and it was according to Verizon the update!.

Among all of the other cheezy changes I can't even see the street names/numbers on google maps - only the town names get larger, and only a little. Weather bug is gone and it won't download, although it says it is. Alarm/timer is gone and replaced with "clock." I know I am not the sharpest tack in the shed, but this is not an update, and google admitted they are recording every keystroke you make for their own uses, and they do mean every - it's part of the operating system!
How can we do the adult thing and return to last week - someone has to have the last desert issued which actually worked. Someone has to have saved it!

*makes crazy motion, points to above post*

Is Weather Bug shown under another name? Clock has the alarm and timer built in.

You can turn off data going to Google.

Wife's reception on her Razr Maxx, buddy's reception on his and his wife's phone - all no problems on JB.
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