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Help Some HD games aren't working


Nov 20, 2012
I'm using HTC Desire Z (overclocked to 1Ghz) with CoreDroid ROM (for a long time), and I have tried to install few HD games, but they didn't worked. :(
First of all, Fast Five: when game is launched, it freezes whole phone on loading screen and I must pull out battery.
Real Racing 2: when game is launched, it's pretty lagging, and when I start race it closes game on loading screen.
Asphalt 6/7 and Modern Combat 3 won't even show loading screen on start - game is immediately closed.
Reason why I'm asking for help is because I have installed Asphalt 5, NFS Shift and Hot Pursuit, and they work perfectly - without any lag (especially NFS Hot Pursuit).

So, does anybody know how to solve this, or to recommend me something to try? Thanks in advance!

P.S. Just to let you know that I have properly installed these games, with changed "Build.prop" file for Gameloft games, but I assume that problem isn't with that changed file(?)


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