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Soon to be Droid X Owner

Hey all, I'm brand new here and I'm finally going to be a Droid X owner. I've been researching everything possible about the phone and I absolutely cannot wait for it. I'm getting it as an early birthday gift (turning 20 in october).

Anyways this is my very first smartphone ever, I'm upgrading from a LG env which is a pretty solid phone imo. Now I've done my fair share of lurking and whatnot on these forums and I'm still a little lost, so to say. I feel like I'm a pretty techno-savy person, but looking through everything I felt really overwhelmed. There seems to be an endless about of options that you can do with the phone and I seriously have no clue where to begin. So be prepared for some ultra noobish questions. I'm picking my phone up on friday so I'm trying to be prepared, haha.

My main question is what are some of the things that I should do as soon as I activate my phone? (Update, dl certain apps, etc...)

I've read many threads about the battery life and how it can drain pretty fast throughout the day. Will that be an issue for a heavy texter like myself? And I can text 160+ characters, correct?

What exactly does the app ProLaucher do? I see threads on it all the time and I tried looking it up, but I can never find a solid answer.

What is OTA and SPF? And what the heck do they stand for?

This is my last one (for now), should I not plug my phone in right before I go to bed? As in, let it fully charge and then keep it plugged in for an extended period of time.

From what I've seen, the Android community seems to be pretty helpful. I apologize in advance if these questions are painful to answer, however it's my first smartphone and first experience with an android device. Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forums and welcome to the world of Android! The Droid X is my first smartphone too, and I am having a blast with it. I'm guessing that your phone will come with the Froyo update (2.2 Android software version, 2.3.15 system version), but if by some chance it doesn't, updating your software would be the first thing I would do. That's where the OTA comes in - it stands for Over The Air and refers to how updates are pushed out via the Verizon network. Once you install the update, you should do a factory reset (may be worthy of another how-to question) and go from there!

But if it comes already updated, then just take off running with your apps!

Battery question - I leave mine plugged into a charger overnight most nights, but haven't done so the past few nights and the level doesn't drop. I've read where you should charge it full and let it drain it all the way a couple of times when you first get it, but others say it's not necessary. You decide. You'll figure out how well your battery works and how to best manage it. One thing you DON'T want to do it caught up in task-killing. General consensus is it's not needed and can actually be detrimental to your phone's performance.

I'm sure others will weigh in and add even more helpful comments and suggestions. but for your own viewing pleasure and education, read the entire What Do Your Screen Look Like thread if you haven't already. You'll be glad you did.
I'm kind of a non-tech guy that has become a bit of a geek since owning a droid x. Don't worry... it doesn't hurt.

I've become a geek because I was constantly blown away day after day by what was possible with this phone versus the blackberry I was using. Night and day.

Launcher Pro Plus - LP or LPP - Get it. I waited, added apps and widgets to my home screen, only to have to add another app to switch back to the original home to remove apps and widgets I was concerned were running in the background after adding LPP. It completely replaces your home screens so all app shortcuts and widgets have to be re-added. Don't add widgets and apps to your homescreens. remove them all, add LPP and start from scratch.

What is LPP? For starters its the first thing I show people I notice are new to the driod phones. It's hard to understand why it's so cool from the descriptions. But when people see what it does it's an "oh cool" moment. The home screen minimized preview and cool widgets are reason enough. The scrolling bar at the bottom (15-30 (with gesture) apps or actions) is over the top. The droid x is not all it can be without LPP.

If your phone came with 2.1, go ahead and get the froyo update before doing anything.
I've read many threads about the battery life and how it can drain pretty fast throughout the day. Will that be an issue for a heavy texter like myself? And I can text 160+ characters, correct?
You can get Handcent sms, that program will allow you to set up split text so that after 160 characters it breaks up and sends 2 or more text. It can also be set so it doesn't break up the text in the middle of a word. Battery life is much better with the Official(OTA) 2.2 update.

What exactly does the app ProLaucher do? I see threads on it all the time and I tried looking it up, but I can never find a solid answer.
Launcher Pro and ADW are a user interface that are better than the stock blur. They both have a free version so check them both out to see what you like best. I like Launcher Pro Plus best, but others like ADW, its all personal preferance.

What is OTA and SPF? And what the heck do they stand for?
OTA is the Official updates from moto and VZW. SBF is a flash ROM(?) that you can use to fix your phone if your bootlooped or bricked. You have to be careful which SBF you use with which version your on (2.1, leaked 2.2, OTA 2.2.) Someone else can explain SBF's better

should I not plug my phone in right before I go to bed? As in, let it fully charge and then keep it plugged in for an extended period of time.
If you leave it plugged in after its fully charged over time it will effect battery life
You're going to need a GMAIL account, if you don't have one already you should pick one now so you don't have a Verizon rep suggesting something stupid like studboy56@gmail....
Hey all, I'm brand new here and I'm finally going to be a Droid X owner. I've been researching everything possible about the phone and I absolutely cannot wait for it. I'm getting it as an early birthday gift (turning 20 in october).

Anyways this is my very first smartphone ever, I'm upgrading from a LG env which is a pretty solid phone imo. Now I've done my fair share of lurking and whatnot on these forums and I'm still a little lost, so to say. I feel like I'm a pretty techno-savy person, but looking through everything I felt really overwhelmed. There seems to be an endless about of options that you can do with the phone and I seriously have no clue where to begin. So be prepared for some ultra noobish questions. I'm picking my phone up on friday so I'm trying to be prepared, haha.

My main question is what are some of the things that I should do as soon as I activate my phone? (Update, dl certain apps, etc...)

I've read many threads about the battery life and how it can drain pretty fast throughout the day. Will that be an issue for a heavy texter like myself? And I can text 160+ characters, correct?

What exactly does the app ProLaucher do? I see threads on it all the time and I tried looking it up, but I can never find a solid answer.

What is OTA and SPF? And what the heck do they stand for?

This is my last one (for now), should I not plug my phone in right before I go to bed? As in, let it fully charge and then keep it plugged in for an extended period of time.

From what I've seen, the Android community seems to be pretty helpful. I apologize in advance if these questions are painful to answer, however it's my first smartphone and first experience with an android device. Thanks in advance!
Our new(est) friend!! Welcome!! Looks like someone has "pushed" you in right direction. Congrats for having the best smartphone there is!! (IMO) :P
The only thing i can say to you, since you are NEW to Android and staff, either you get your phone with 2.2 or 2.1-1 software (then you will upgrade), is to READ!!! before you do anything with your phone. And of course - ask questions if you are not sure about anything, or you cannot find answers on forums. Best way to start off is maybe this , i am sure, you will find it helpful. Again, welcome and have a great time!! :) :cool:
Congrats and welcome! You're going to fall in love with your phone. Clear your schedule for about 3 days and spend those 3 days getting to know your phone. :)

The first thing I would do is install 2.2 (if it doesn't come on the phone) and do a factory reset before you put anything on the phone.

The second thing I would do is install LauncherPro Plus. LauncherPro Plus is a great replacement for the stock launcher - it makes your phone even more customizable. If you like customization, this app is your foundation. Other apps, like Desktop Visualizer, Lock 2.0, Beautiful Widgets, Tasker etc.) will further enhance your customization options. Some of them - like Tasker - have a learning curve. I'm pretty techno-savvy, and I had to do some research and playing around to get things set up properly. Don't be afraid to come on here and ask questions about how to do stuff if you can't find an answer or figure it out. The helpful people on this forum far outnumber the ones who just tell you to "search the forums".
Hey all, I'm brand new here and I'm finally going to be a Droid X owner. I've been researching everything possible about the phone and I absolutely cannot wait for it. I'm getting it as an early birthday gift (turning 20 in october).

Anyways this is my very first smartphone ever, I'm upgrading from a LG env which is a pretty solid phone imo. Now I've done my fair share of lurking and whatnot on these forums and I'm still a little lost, so to say. I feel like I'm a pretty techno-savy person, but looking through everything I felt really overwhelmed. There seems to be an endless about of options that you can do with the phone and I seriously have no clue where to begin. So be prepared for some ultra noobish questions. I'm picking my phone up on friday so I'm trying to be prepared, haha.

My main question is what are some of the things that I should do as soon as I activate my phone? (Update, dl certain apps, etc...)

I've read many threads about the battery life and how it can drain pretty fast throughout the day. Will that be an issue for a heavy texter like myself? And I can text 160+ characters, correct?

What exactly does the app ProLaucher do? I see threads on it all the time and I tried looking it up, but I can never find a solid answer.

What is OTA and SPF? And what the heck do they stand for?

This is my last one (for now), should I not plug my phone in right before I go to bed? As in, let it fully charge and then keep it plugged in for an extended period of time.

From what I've seen, the Android community seems to be pretty helpful. I apologize in advance if these questions are painful to answer, however it's my first smartphone and first experience with an android device. Thanks in advance!

Since you have been lurking for a while, I am sure you have seen posts about rooting, deodexing, theming, and installing ROMs. If you are interested is this route, hope your phone comes with 2.1 installed and do not let the Verizon reps upgrade it to the OTA. Currently, the OTA can be rooted, deodexed, and themed but you need to be very careful (more careful than on 2.1).

Due to Motorola trying to set back the dev community (explained here with the OTA, the only recovery for 2.2 OTA is here. This is not a full SBF, only the system. It should recover you from any deodexing, theming, or rooting problems though.

For more info in the root, theme, and ROM area, check out the following links:
Motorola Droid X Root Guide
Motorola Droid X Guide

These have links to other helpful posts.

I would also suggest you obtain ROM Manager from the Android Market and install Koush's Bootstrap Recovery. You can learn more about it here.

You should also look into Team Black Hat who are the guys that released the 2.2 (2.3.9 - 2.3.15) leaked ROMs. They have an app on the Android Market for $1.99 that gives you early access to their stuff. They always post it to the public later on My Droid World but it always migrates to here as well. With leaked official Motorola ROMs, they will quickly get pulled from public due to Motorola C&Ds. They also release the Tranquility ROM which is currently based off of the leaked 2.3.15. It can be installed over the OTA 2.3.15 as well though.

And for clarification, the 2.2 OTA is 2.3.15 (the same that was leaked), but the OTA has a new radio and the bootloader key was changed. I am running Tranquility and it is great. My battery life is excellent compared to what it was on 2.1 so I assume the benefits for the battery in the OTA and the leak are the same except the new radio may be a little better on power.

More info about ROMs and themes can be located here. It needs to be updated with some stuff that was released in the last week, but I am about to go prompt them to add some stuff.

Sorry for the long post, but I figured you would have questions soon enough about this side of it. I may have given you even more questions now though. This community is great and very helpful. If in doubt, ask. It is better to ask than brick. Welcome and good luck with your DX.
Since you have been lurking for a while, I am sure you have seen posts about rooting, deodexing, theming, and installing ROMs. If you are interested is this route, hope your phone comes with 2.1 installed and do not let the Verizon reps upgrade it to the OTA. Currently, the OTA can be rooted, deodexed, and themed but you need to be very careful (more careful than on 2.1).

Due to Motorola trying to set back the dev community (explained here with the OTA, the only recovery for 2.2 OTA is here. This is not a full SBF, only the system. It should recover you from any deodexing, theming, or rooting problems though.

For more info in the root, theme, and ROM area, check out the following links:
Motorola Droid X Root Guide
Motorola Droid X Guide

These have links to other helpful posts.

I would also suggest you obtain ROM Manager from the Android Market and install Koush's Bootstrap Recovery. You can learn more about it here.

You should also look into Team Black Hat who are the guys that released the 2.2 (2.3.9 - 2.3.15) leaked ROMs. They have an app on the Android Market for $1.99 that gives you early access to their stuff. They always post it to the public later on My Droid World but it always migrates to here as well. With leaked official Motorola ROMs, they will quickly get pulled from public due to Motorola C&Ds. They also release the Tranquility ROM which is currently based off of the leaked 2.3.15. It can be installed over the OTA 2.3.15 as well though.

And for clarification, the 2.2 OTA is 2.3.15 (the same that was leaked), but the OTA has a new radio and the bootloader key was changed. I am running Tranquility and it is great. My battery life is excellent compared to what it was on 2.1 so I assume the benefits for the battery in the OTA and the leak are the same except the new radio may be a little better on power.

More info about ROMs and themes can be located here. It needs to be updated with some stuff that was released in the last week, but I am about to go prompt them to add some stuff.

Sorry for the long post, but I figured you would have questions soon enough about this side of it. I may have given you even more questions now though. This community is great and very helpful. If in doubt, ask. It is better to ask than brick. Welcome and good luck with your DX.
That, GregTard's post, should be STICKY for N00bs!!
Also, so more apps to check out:

Launcher Pro/ADW is a must. I prefer Launcher Pro and the Plus paid version is awesome. It allows you to resize widgets and gives you some great Facebook, Twitter, Calendar, Bookmarks, Messaging, and Friends (Facebook and Twitter combined) widgets and is well worth the price. It is going to get better soon with the dev writing the code from scratch to clean up some legacy junk from the 2.0 stock launcher it was built on top of.

Widget Locker or Lock 2.0
Avoid all task killers
Beautiful Widgets
Folder Organizer/App Organizer
ASTRO File Manager
Tasker (great app but difficult to get the hang of)
Titanium Backup (Only for rooted phones)
Doubletwist (if moving from iPod or iPhone)
The old 3D Gallery
AppBrain App Market (Available on the Android Market)
Barcode Scanner (because it is cool!)
Chrome to Phone
Google Sky Map (awesome if you like astronomy and it is cool!)
Google Goggles
Dolphin Browser HD
Alarm Clock Plus (Much better than stock)
Google Voice
Angry Birds
Handcent SMS



Got my X yesterday and I wanted to ask why to reset after applying. I see that most of you mention that as a crucial step in the process. The absolute first thing I did was perform the update, and then I went on to apps. Should I do this now? Everything seems to be OK with the phone.

Is this the "Factory Data Reset" under privacy, or is there a different reset.

Oh wow, thanks everyone for your posts. So far the main things are getting 2.2, doing a factory reset and then getting launcher pro. And I'm curious like the other poster, why do a factory reset right after I update? I'm just curious as to why that is. Also, what is the difference between downloading and using Handcent rather than the stock messaging system that it comes with?

Any other tips are welcome, and thanks in advance. Also I'm giddy as can be right now and I cannot wait much longer to get this phone.
In simple words, because when you update to 2.2 some of the old software from 2.1 does not completely go away and causes issues on some apps after you upgrade. Skip the add account option, do a factory reset then add your accounts and have fun.
Oh wow, thanks everyone for your posts. So far the main things are getting 2.2, doing a factory reset and then getting launcher pro. And I'm curious like the other poster, why do a factory reset right after I update? I'm just curious as to why that is. Also, what is the difference between downloading and using Handcent rather than the stock messaging system that it comes with?

Any other tips are welcome, and thanks in advance. Also I'm giddy as can be right now and I cannot wait much longer to get this phone.

Basically, using Handcent gives you alot more customization with texting. It has a feature that gives you a pop up when you get a text. It just adds alot of different things that may not be necessary but make your texting experience alot better. It was one of the first apps I downloaded and I love it.
Thanks for the tips. I am also a smartphone noob and should get my Droid X today.

Are there any apps for playing movies in formats such as DivX, AVI, MKV, etc on this phone?
Also, what is the difference between downloading and using Handcent rather than the stock messaging system that it comes with?
you said your a heavy texter and asked if you can send more than the 160 limit, with handcent you can type as much as you want and it'll break it up to send it making it much easier, it does still charge for each text but if your a heavy texter you probably have unlimited texts
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