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Speaker messed up - is ATT shipping refurbs yet?


Feb 28, 2011
My Atrix speaker (earpiece not speakerphone) is kind of rattling when on a call. I called ATT and they say that it goes by 'ship date' which puts me at 34 or 35 days, depending on how you count days. So, they said they couldn't guarantee a new phone.

Does anyone know if they are sending out refurbs or new phones?
The phone hasn't been out long enough. But, still, I've seen people get brand new phones (Not refurbs) after a phone has been out for months. It all depends on the luck of the draw. Basically, they ship a refurb if they have one, if not, they ship a new one.

But, try calling Motorola. They have great support and they might replace the phone directly.
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