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speculation, rumors, leaks about EVO release


Android Expert
sorry I know a lot of people hate speculation here but I thought I'd start this thread because I was one of the many folks who waited 6 months since the announcement of the pre till it's release date. What helped pass the time was someone opening a thread for people to vent their impatience like me, guess when it will be released based on rumors or reliable "sources", or do some "investigative work" to see if we could pin down a solid release date. Yeah it got to the point where we were trying to figure out shipping crates and UPS delivery schedules LOL. So feel free to post here if you want about your guesses and rumors
I'll start a rumor...I suspect that Sprint will be smart and release the EVO on June 6th....which is 1 year after the PRE was released and when Premier customers would be able to upgrade.

Now of course Id rather see it much sooner....and thanks to a Loophole, I am able to upgrade now, regardless that I have a PRE ;)
I'll start a rumor...I suspect that Sprint will be smart and release the EVO on June 6th....which is 1 year after the PRE was released and when Premier customers would be able to upgrade.

Now of course Id rather see it much sooner....and thanks to a Loophole, I am able to upgrade now, regardless that I have a PRE ;)

Same here. I still somehow have my upgrade 'rebate' after getting my Pre in July.
Same here. I still somehow have my upgrade 'rebate' after getting my Pre in July.

Well I know that I became a Premier customer after I got a PRE(w/Rebate) so I guess it just reapplied the upgrade automatically.

Sort of off topic, and not knocking the PRE at all(I love WebOS)....but I was able to exchange a cracked screen PRE yesterday at a store with no issues at all. Basically they looked at my phone, brought out a new one, and said here....no paperwork, no nothing. Wonder if they are really overstocked with PRE's??
I'll start a rumor...I suspect that Sprint will be smart and release the EVO on June 6th....which is 1 year after the PRE was released and when Premier customers would be able to upgrade.

Now of course Id rather see it much sooner....and thanks to a Loophole, I am able to upgrade now, regardless that I have a PRE ;)

That's what I was guessing too - June 6th! How ironic their next flagship phone would be released that same day to replace their previous one that didn't make the sales they wanted :)

My addition to this would be (as much as I do love my pre) that the EVO would be released before Adobe launches flash 10.1 on WebOS.
I would love a June 6th date to be honest. That is technically before the start of summer. I worry, however, that it won't be until July and I'm kinda bummed they announce things this far in advance. They did that with the Pre and lost all kinds of momentum.

I bought two Pres last year on launch day and for some reason one of the lines has a $150 upgrade discount available but not the other. Not sure what's up with that but if I'm waiting until June or July then it will be moot. Just sucks to wait another 2 and a half months when I have a hole burning in my pocket and a Pre that has been acting up.
If they bring the EVO 4G out sooner than that, just think about how happy everyone will be with Sprint....
Yeah to me that whole time line between the announce date and release date has to be managed well by Sprint. I mean if they announce it later and have the release date 2 weeks after - that would piss off a lot of customers who just bought a new phone recently - yet at the same time if they announce it early and release it months later, wouldn't that affect sales of all other announced/released phones in between (ie nexus one)? I'm still rooting for an early June release on ALL channels. No way am I getting up early again to wait in line at the Sprint store LOL
Well the biggest thing with a release date for the EVO is the 4G markets. Considering it is still in few markets what do you think Sprint would do?

Do an early release before summer(I have no problem being an early adopter for the EVO...already did it with the PRE) for the 4G areas that are available?

Its just hard to pinpoint a release date, because we are talking about a phone where its major selling point is not available everywhere.

Im sure that is a concern for Sprint right now, because how hard do you wanna market a phone that cant be run at full capacity everywhere?

By the way, I was in a Sprint store yesterday, looking at 4G coverage and was surprised. 4G is in Philly, but I live outside that area....I was amazed to see that 4G still covered surrounding areas, most of which I am always in. Pretty much sold me on the fact I will be getting an EVO.
Well the biggest thing with a release date for the EVO is the 4G markets. Considering it is still in few markets what do you think Sprint would do?

Have anyone heared any more rumors about a deal between Sprint and Walmart to place 4G towers( or use the current towers for Sprint's 4G network) on the roof of all the Walmarts in the US?
Have anyone heared any more rumors about a deal between Sprint and Walmart to place 4G towers( or use the current towers for Sprint's 4G network) on the roof of all the Walmarts in the US?

Great Scott!!! *takes off glasses*....Is this some combined venture for Sprint and Walmart to take over the US?

Put a 4G tower on every Walmart in the country? Is Sprint and Walmart actually Skynet disguised??? :confused:
Have anyone heared any more rumors about a deal between Sprint and Walmart to place 4G towers( or use the current towers for Sprint's 4G network) on the roof of all the Walmarts in the US?

This kind of rumor has been going around for years...not always with Sprint or Wimax.
yea i havn't heard anything either... i really don't see what walmart gains from this unless sprint pays them enough, but if they are going to fork out a crap ton of money for it then they might as well use that money and STRATEGICALLY place towers for maximum signal, not just wherever there happens to be a walmart
I think this could be of benefit to Wal-Mart also. I'm mostly thinking in terms of better communication between their stores, but who knows? Wal-Mart was the one that originally announced the idea a few years ago and said they wanted it so they could sell cheap Internet service to the masses. Then, earlier this year, rumors started popping up again. I hope this becomes a reality. If it does, it could really help the WiMAX cause.
guys, i'm pretty sure it's a joke... WalMart = rednecks, and so does Nextel (Sprint)... hence putting towers on top of WalMarts... :p
I just hope they don't release near july. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a June 6 release date, because thats the day i can upgrade :)
I just hope they don't release near july. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a June 6 release date, because thats the day i can upgrade :)

Yea I dont know if I want to wait till July/Aug. Been waiting forever to upgrade already, and my city will most likely not have 4G until 2011 if ever (charleston wv)
I'm hoping for an early June release but just remembered that Apple's WWDC is scheduled for June 28 - July 2 here in Moscone Center (SF). That's usually where the iPhones are announced. So IF Apple is scheduled to announce their new 4th gen iPhone (speculated to also have front camera and powered by new CPU developed by chip company - PA Semi - that Apple just bought)...will Sprint follow last years Palm release weeks before WWDC and iPhone 3GS? or will it wait for iPhone 4G's thunder and blow it away with the unrevealed "secret features" that Sprint wouldn't disclose at CTIA? hmmm....
I'm hoping for an early June release but just remembered that Apple's WWDC is scheduled for June 28 - July 2 here in Moscone Center (SF). That's usually where the iPhones are announced. So IF Apple is scheduled to announce their new 4th gen iPhone (speculated to also have front camera and powered by new CPU developed by chip company - PA Semi - that Apple just bought)...will Sprint follow last years Palm release weeks before WWDC and iPhone 3GS? or will it wait for iPhone 4G's thunder and blow it away with the unrevealed "secret features" that Sprint wouldn't disclose at CTIA? hmmm....

NOTHING is going to blow away anything that Apple releases with the iPhone. To some nerds maybe, yes.

But I don't see thousands upon thousands of people camping out for the EVO and making news stories around the world.
What do you mean, 'Nothing is going to blow away anything apple releases'? If you were making a metaphor to how chained down everything is with apple's stuff, then yes, nothing can literally blow it away. As for making their releases look bad, I think several things would do just this, and this phone is one of them.
so there is for real a secret feature?!?!?! OKAYYYYY speculation time... :)

i think it'll be an iphone detecting EMP device :)

Yeah I caught it towards the end of one of the many videos I watched where a demo rep or someone said something along the lines of "yeah we can't show it all right now...we're gonna save some other big features for the release"
What do you mean, 'Nothing is going to blow away anything apple releases'? If you were making a metaphor to how chained down everything is with apple's stuff, then yes, nothing can literally blow it away. As for making their releases look bad, I think several things would do just this, and this phone is one of them.

What I mean is, no matter what phone is released, its not going to get as much attention from the GENERAL PUBLIC as the iPhone.

Sure better spec'd phones will come out that will best the iPhone. But take a look at their marketing campaign and how many Apple nuts are out there.

If the iPhone 4G or whatever and the EVO were to be released on the same day, and the iPhone 4G was less powerful than the EVO, I am sure the iPhone would outsell it 10x to 1.

Not saying I would be one of those people, but you have smartphones and then you have the iPhone.

Thats just how it is now, and its going to take a lot to change that state of mind throughout the technology world.
What I mean is, no matter what phone is released, its not going to get as much attention from the GENERAL PUBLIC as the iPhone.

Sure better spec'd phones will come out that will best the iPhone. But take a look at their marketing campaign and how many Apple nuts are out there.

If the iPhone 4G or whatever and the EVO were to be released on the same day, and the iPhone 4G was less powerful than the EVO, I am sure the iPhone would outsell it 10x to 1.

Not saying I would be one of those people, but you have smartphones and then you have the iPhone.

Thats just how it is now, and its going to take a lot to change that state of mind throughout the technology world.

Agree 100%. Apple fanboys will buy the new iphone regardless of what new technology is available. Most of my friends who love their iphones dont even know that a new HTC phone was released this week haha. I personally couldnt care less, as this just means less lines if any for the Evo. It will be fun to play with the new iphone and my new Evo side by side and embarrass the crap out of them this summer, though :)
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