need help please...
sister's Sprint Galaxy S3 blue
Clockwork recovery v5.5.0.4
was working fine on radio LJ7; with ROM: TPR (the People's ROM) v3.17 (android 4.1)
her new Galaxy watch application would not load on the old android version 4.1 (incompatible)
so I upgraded her to ROM TPR 3.31. (android 4.3) NOT KitKat.
did a full wipe.. clean install.
it worked fine.. and her watch application loaded from the playstore.
but it lost all mobile data connection. works fine on wifi. and calls and texting.
I thought I needed to load a new radio.. MK3 (because TPR 3.31 is based on MK3 radio)
so I came to this thread and got the MK3 radio
I used Clockwork recovery to flash the radio.
but still no help. at least now it trys to connect.. but errors 67.. cannot connect.
the phone still works fine.. but still no mobile data.
I even tried a full wipe again (user data, cache, dalvik) and did these different ways:
flash just the TPR 3.31 again.. same no change
flash MK3 then TPR... no change
flash TPR then MK3.. no change
downloaded a different android 4.3 ROM (MOAR v9.01).. no change
I also have the exact sprint GS3 phone ...
and tried it on my phone.. same issues!!!!!
so... please guys. what do you think is the issue?? how can I fix this?
sister's Sprint Galaxy S3 blue
Clockwork recovery v5.5.0.4
was working fine on radio LJ7; with ROM: TPR (the People's ROM) v3.17 (android 4.1)
her new Galaxy watch application would not load on the old android version 4.1 (incompatible)
so I upgraded her to ROM TPR 3.31. (android 4.3) NOT KitKat.
did a full wipe.. clean install.
it worked fine.. and her watch application loaded from the playstore.
but it lost all mobile data connection. works fine on wifi. and calls and texting.
I thought I needed to load a new radio.. MK3 (because TPR 3.31 is based on MK3 radio)
so I came to this thread and got the MK3 radio
I used Clockwork recovery to flash the radio.
but still no help. at least now it trys to connect.. but errors 67.. cannot connect.
the phone still works fine.. but still no mobile data.
I even tried a full wipe again (user data, cache, dalvik) and did these different ways:
flash just the TPR 3.31 again.. same no change
flash MK3 then TPR... no change
flash TPR then MK3.. no change
downloaded a different android 4.3 ROM (MOAR v9.01).. no change
I also have the exact sprint GS3 phone ...
and tried it on my phone.. same issues!!!!!
so... please guys. what do you think is the issue?? how can I fix this?