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Help Step by Step Wiping DroidX


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
Got a lot of funky, annoying little things going on, I think it may be time to wipe my DX and start over again. No contact data to worry about, I use MS Exchange Server. Got some purchased apps including Touchdown so I definitely want to preserve those with minimal issues in reloading them without having to purchase them again. I use ADW as my launcher, it would nice to save those settings.

Is there a step by step guide or instructions for doing this? I've done this 4 or 5 times over the years with PC's, can't imagine this should be that difficult with the DX.
All of your paid downloads are saved through your google account in the Market, once you reset your phone they will appear in your "download" list in the Market. You can do a factory data reset my pressing menu>privacy>factory data reset>reset phone. I've reset mine about 5 times, including last night, sometimes to test things and other times just for the heck of it.
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