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Stick with Verizon or leave


I have been with Verizon for about 11 years now.

We currently have the following plan:
2 smartphones, 700 minutes, 5 friends and famiily, unlimited text, and unlimited data on both lines.

With taxes and fees and after my discount, the bill is about 150 per month.

My two years is up in June. I called in to see what promotions are available, anything they can do now, etc...

I was told the best they can do is 119 a month with 2GB of data. No phone upgrade, nothing. Then they proceed to tell me that at upgrade I will lose my unlimited (I knew that if I get a new phone).

Are you guys jumping ship to tmobile or even AT&T? Unlimited talk/text/data from tmobile for two lines would be 120.....and through at&t it looks like 10gb/unlimited talk/text for 130....all prior to a 24% discount I could get.

Just gauing opinions on this.
I have virgin mobile lol. However it meets my needs and provides me with very good coverage where I reside. If you are someone that travels the US a lot then verizon's service may prove to be helpful. But for someone like me who rarely leaves the state of NY virgin mobile gives me service nearly anywhere I go. The selection of phones is limited (S3 is prob their best phone, which is fine with me because I purchase phones based on its ROM development) but I only pay $35 a month per line which includes 300 mins and unlimited text/data. No contracts
It's all going to boil down to coverage. If AT&T or T-Mobile has good/acceptable coverage in your area then it may very well be worth considering a change. Ask around and see what people say in your area. Don't rule out Straight Talk and other MVNO's either, they can be a good deal too.

I thought about going to AT&T but am not able to for two reasons, the reception at my house was not good (cell is my only phone) and the kid travels all over. I picked up a Go Phone to test it out and just found it not reliable enough for my needs and don't want the kid running into no coverage issues. With Verizon I get good service and he is rarely without coverage.
You weren't exactly given the straight dope.

vzw has a way you can keep your unlimited: 1) by paying a) the full price of the phone or b) paying it off in a year.

2) If you HAVE unlimited data, they will upgrade you and decrease your data to 6gb (only for those w/unlimited)

3) If you buy another line, you can transfer upgrades and keep your current plan on both phones (not all sales people know that. Chat and telephone support does)

4) Currently at Best Buy, there seeems to be a way to keep your current plan through your upgrade. I went there and it didn't reject my keeping my current plan like the other websites do. I was told that if you keep your current sim card, you're golden. I haven't done it, but it seems to be an option.

Hope this helps if you want to stay.
It depends if your ok with spending a little more for the best coverage. t-mobile may be offering better deals, but their coverage just isn't as good. If you travel, and use another carrier like sprint or t-mobile, then you'll learn why Verizon is still the best all round carrier IMO.
4) Currently at Best Buy, there seeems to be a way to keep your current plan through your upgrade. I went there and it didn't reject my keeping my current plan like the other websites do. I was told that if you keep your current sim card, you're golden. I haven't done it, but it seems to be an option.

Sorry for the hijack, but does this work for any plan, or just off-contract plans? I am on contract until July with my S3 so just wondering if the Best Buy option would get me into a phone that the GPS works more than 30% of the time a little sooner...
Sorry for the hijack, but does this work for any plan, or just off-contract plans? I am on contract until July with my S3 so just wondering if the Best Buy option would get me into a phone that the GPS works more than 30% of the time a little sooner...

I'd try it. I haven't followed through with the purchase, but the option to keep unlimited seems to be there.
To keep unlimited data when upgrading on Verizon is quite simple. Just take your sim out of the old phone and put it in the new one. :)

On your quoted price for service a month for Tmo it appeared that you didn't have the device pmts in that price quote. 120 a month for two lines is just for service isn't it? You have to have two devices as well. That adds another 50$ a month probably depending on what device you go with. They don't do contracts anymore so you have to have that equipment pmt unless you pay out right for the device. I crunched the numbers real fast for my own benefit a couple of months ago and that is what i found out anyways. The difference is that when you get the equipment paid off on Tmo that charge comes off of your bill. With VZW it's just expensive no matter what.

A couple more things.

No matter what someone tells you don't waste your time with coverage maps. Neither with carrier maps or third party apps such as sensorly or the other one. Ask around and get real user feedback for your area with the carriers in question.

Also Tmo recently announced that they would start this year upgrading all of the 2G sites to 4G. This should make a huge difference in their coverage and it will hopefully be enough for me to finally swap as well. The caveat to that is that if they're using the recently purchased spectrum from VZW to do this there are currently no phones out that support that band. So Newer phones would have to come out that supported that band to take advantage of it. Not even the Moto X or I5S supports that band. Again it may not be the case but i feel pretty confident about it. Hope this helps.
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