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Help Stock GingerBlur email app, are individual notifications possible?

JB in AZ

Android Expert
I started using GB yesterday, and decided it was a good time to again try out the stock email app (had been using K-9). I have several email accounts on my phone, but I only want to be notified of new mail in two of them. I don't see any way to do this. Is this even possible in the stock Motorloa/Blur app? It is possible in K-9, but with the new OS, I am ready for a new email app as well. :cool: If not, I will just stay with K-9. Thanks for suggestions! :)
I have 3 accounts using the Blur email app - 2 at Yahoo and 1 at email.com. I'm using Light Flow Lite for notifications and it works very well (I may buy it because the dev is very helpful). The main Yahoo account is purple, the other Yahoo is yellow and the email.com is orange. My Gmail is coded red.

I haven't found an app yet that allows different ringtones for different accounts but I'm sure if I look there's probably at least one or two. I rely on the colors mainly because when I'm teaching my phone is set to silent.

Thanks for this, but I think what I am looking for is a little different than what you decribe. I only want to be notified on two of my email accounts. I don't want any vibrate, LED, or notification icon in the bar for the other accts. I guess if this isn't possible I will go back to using K-9, which can do this.
Ah, but you can do that too. Once you open the app, press General Settings and not only can you set sleep led, you can set light/led, sound, and vibrate. Back out, then press Notifications and choose which email accounts you want. Then back out and press Test so you can preview your settings for whatever you want. And this is the unpaid lite version. I have no idea what more the paid version does! Works beautifully (and no, I'm not the dev!).
Ah, but you can do that too. Once you open the app, press General Settings and not only can you set sleep led, you can set light/led, sound, and vibrate. Back out, then press Notifications and choose which email accounts you want. Then back out and press Test so you can preview your settings for whatever you want. And this is the unpaid lite version. I have no idea what more the paid version does! Works beautifully (and no, I'm not the dev!).

Thanks for the suggestion. LOL, not sure why I can't figure this out!

EDIT (I just saw that you are apparently refering to K9, or Light Flow lite. I am trying to do this with the stock Blur GB email app, not K-9, I can already do what I want with K9, but would prefer to use the stock app, if I can. I'll give Light flow lite a look!)

When I open the app, (Messaging) I get a screen with 6 icons, the upper left says "text messaging", then there are my 5 email accounts. pressing the menu hard buton, gives me "compose", "manage accts", "edit universal inbox" and "messaging settings". Pressing "manage accounts" shows a list of all the email accounts, headed by "phone backup assistant". Selecing the first email acct that I want to see notifications for, then "general settings"...shows the acct name, real name and email address. :confused::confused::confused: I don't see any of the notification setting options there.

Sorry, I must be extra dense today...;):D
No, you're not dense, JB

My instructions were for Light Flow Lite, not MotoBlur's Messaging. That's why I use LFL. That's what I stated in my original post.

Sorry for any confusion!
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