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Root Stock rom on Sync?

Does the Sync come stock with a KitKat ROM? I think I want one regardless. From everything I've read (and for the price) it looks like a pretty decent device to have. The only other one close to that price range (unlocked) would be the OnePlus One.
Yes. 4.4.2.. And quick toggles and a few stack apps look vastly different than Warp 4G, but otherwise very close similarities.
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I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about stashing this Sync as a backup and going back to the Warp 4G
I may get one too. And I would love to get my paws on the 1+1, IF I could find. I know they are hard to find. And someone will find a way to root it the Sync its just a matter of time. It only takes 1 disgruntled employee to put it out there.
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Is the access code something they use to troubleshoot or fix OTA?
I'm thinking either troubleshoot or complete overwrite (in house) on their end. I found a list of "hidden" codes accessed by dialer that took me to all kinds of screens, even one that would let me change radio frequency! None that I tried had interacted with "Fastboot Devices" in terminal.. I will state that I DID NOT try every single code I found due to frustration. There are also other ZTE devices that access bootloader & Fastboot via differentiating soft button combos (haven't tried much on that yet)
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I'm thinking either troubleshoot or complete overwrite (in house) on their end. I found a list of "hidden" codes accessed by dialer that took me to all kinds of screens, even one that would let me change radio frequency! None that I tried had interacted with "Fastboot Devices" in terminal.. I will state that I DID NOT try every single code I found due to frustration. There are also other ZTE devices that access bootloader & Fastboot via differentiating soft button combos (haven't tried much on that yet)
I saw an app called "Dialer" with a link to secret access codes, but didn't try it, is that what you're talking about? And I have time in my hands if you send me a kink and tell me what to look for I'll gladly help.
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I saw an app called "Dialer" with a link to secret access codes, but didn't try it, is that what you're talking about? And I have time in my hands if you send me a kink and tell me what to look for I'll gladly help.
By all means, try "dialer." I haven't tried it yet.
I used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afp_group.software

And the ZTE codes link was for older phones like the Warp (OG), & Blade, but some actually DID still work!

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By all means, try "dialer." I haven't tried it yet.
I used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afp_group.software

And the ZTE codes link was for older phones like the Warp (OG), & Blade, but some actually DID still work!

Alright, I'll check it out later and let you know what I come up with. How will I know what the codes do in the dialer and what should I be on the lookout for?
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Someone else must have, I didn't start this, but no worries, guess we were getting off topic. I'll check that out and be in touch.
I had the convo moved out of respect for SuperR's thread. Besides this device won't get much Love unless enough ppl make noise in the proper places. [emoji6]
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I'm all over it like a wet, cheap suit. And no, I haven't got a Sync....yet! What, you don't like the 1+1?
Really don't know what the 1+1 IS.. LMAO
I get it now. Downloaded the app and have my answer. I would need a Sync to test the codes. You didn't specify before providing that link. Guess that ends that before it starts...[emoji31]
Right... But now u understand where I was going with this about codes/button combos to unlock/access (possibly) Fastboot? Just a possibility that currently eludes me at the moment..
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Really don't know what the 1+1 IS.. LMAO

Right... But now u understand where I was going with this about codes/button combos to unlock/access (possibly) Fastboot? Just a possibility that currently eludes me at the moment..
I was thinking (gears turning and smell of wood burning in the air[emoji6] ) that just maybe I can use some charm and persuasive magic to have a tech support rep to inadvertently give me the code we seek while attempting a troubleshoot. Suggestions are welcome @SuoerR and @bcrichster for the technical jargon I need to use and exactly what answer I seek. I will do the rest. Is this possible you think?
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As a guy who deals with reps all the time, if we don't got it...we just don't for it.
Someone must have it though and like I learned as a child, "closed mouths don't get fed" & "where there's a will there's a way." I appreciate what your saying but we'll never know unless we try right?
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