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Root Stock rom on Sync?

If boost can't help, maybe someone from ZTE can,...!
Yes. Yes they can! But so far Won't is the most likely answer. But I still have my hopes up! This Sync is righteously Wicked! ZTE has NO concept as to how much their help and Root capability would dramatically increase the sales of this handset.. Just Sayin' [emoji41]
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Yes. Yes they can! But so far Won't is the most likely answer. But I still have my hopes up! This Sync is righteously Wicked! ZTE has NO concept as to how much their help and Root capability would dramatically increase the sales of this handset.. Just Sayin' [emoji41]
No they can't these people are not the ones who write the code, these are the people who answer phones please leave the poor techs alone [emoji30]
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Sent a message to ZTE, this is the response I got.

“ As of right now, we can not provide an unlocked bootloader. This may be something available in the future depending on the carrier's request for the design changes for the phones. Thanks! ”
Thanks for trying tho, every effort is greatly appreciated.
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So is there no way this phone can get a custom rom?
I'm hearing a possibility that phenomx4 might drop a few heavy hitters sometime. [emoji89] And if I can get another one myself, I'm gonna be doing a little something too. [emoji41] Dang good phone, love the color/display.. Rich. [emoji56]
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