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Help Stock text does not work. Acting really wonky.

Ok. This one is really wierd. I can recieve texts. Sort of. I get the notification on the top of my screen that i have a message and if I pull it down or open the messager. It will even give me the short preview. However, after clicking on the text to pull up the conversation and its as though I never recieved it. It just isnt there anymore.

When trying to SEND a text, I can type all I want, but when I press the send button, the message disappears and the keyboard remains up, again as though I never sent it at all. No fail to send error or errors of any sort. I've tried rebooting the phone, but no luck.

as far as any info goes, I bought this thing two months ago from dollar general and outside of a few games and the weather channel, I have installed no other apps on it. Anybody know what's going on with this thing?
It's still under warranty, but Dollar General? I doubt they'd swap it out for you. But you can give it a try.

If not, go to a Best Buy and ask for the Samsung Desk (Samsung maintins people in Best Buy stores) and tell them that it's still under warranty and what it's doing. At best, they can [ress a few buttons and fix it. At worst they can order a replacement phone. (In the middle they may be able to reflash this one.) Back up all your data first, in any case.
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