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Stop the Asian Hate!!!!!!

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DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
so something just happened that i witnessed that has devastated me and has made me sooooo ANGRY right now.

earlier this evening after i came home from work. i decided to take my dog for a walk. right on the sidewalk me and my dog were walking, when a young Caucasian man (maybe 20?) came running past us. as the runner ran past us, i saw an older asian man walking toward us and the runner. i saw the runner could see the man and right when they were close, the runner pushed the man who then fell into the street. i quickly yelled at the runner and quickly ran up to the older gentleman and helped him from the street. i tried running after the guy, but he was way faster then i was and had a good start and i could not catch him.

luckily the older gentleman was ok, and there was no traffic on the street. this street can sometimes have a lot of cars driving by and he could have easily been hit by a car.

i asked him if he wants to report this and call the cops and he quickly shot down that idea. he just wanted to go back to his house. luckily it was just down the block as he was just starting his walk. i walked him back to his house to make sure that nothing else happened to him.

so i am an Asian American of Japanese decent. i'm 3rd generation Japanese American. never in my entire life have i felt so vulnerable right now. why are so many people so hateful?

and yes I am going to say this......i think that the rhetoric that came out of trumps filthy mouth calling the SARS CoV2 (otherwise known as Covid-19), the China Virus or Kung Flu......this simple, stupid, idiotic, and RACIST term for the virus has empowered idiots to blame anybody that looks Asian for the cause of the virus .



and like Rodney King has said...."Why can't we all just get along?"
I think you're spot on.
This is ridiculous. How can people be this stupid?!
I mean, even if you believe Covid was created in some secret lab and released by the Chinese government;
why on earth would you attack Asians for that?!?
That's like attacking random white people for all the sh*t Hitler has pulled.
Or attacking Arabs for the stuff ISIS has done.
Or attacking black people for the actions of some African warlord...
How hate-fueled do you have to be to not see how idiotic this is!?
I think you're spot on.
This is ridiculous. How can people be this stupid?!
I mean, even if you believe Covid was created in some secret lab and released by the Chinese government;
why on earth would you attack Asians for that?!?
That's like attacking random white people for all the sh*t Hitler has pulled.
Or attacking Arabs for the stuff ISIS has done.
Or attacking black people for the actions of some African warlord...
How hate-fueled do you have to be to not see how idiotic this is!?
its an outlet to release their frustrations, their fears, and their anger. we have become the scapegoat for this pandemic. we can thank trump to let people know that it is ok to mock us, to blame us, to hate us. it is what we get for electing a racist as president. 4 years of that idiot has embolden hate. it took the pandemic to release all of that onto us Asian AMERICANS

“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.” — Master Yod in "The Phantom Menace," 1999

a lot of people are suffering right now blinding them from any sort of empathy.
I also an Asian. American (Filipino).

It pisses me off that they are going after older Asians. Older Asians usually keep to themselves and don't want any trouble.

Sickens me when I see or hear about it. My cousin's wife got yelled at and called a Ch*&k. 3 older women were outside of a Filipino store locally and were robbed. This is getting out of hand.
I also an Asian. American (Filipino).

It pisses me off that they are going after older Asians. Older Asians usually keep to themselves and don't want any trouble.

Sickens me when I see or hear about it. My cousin's wife got yelled at and called a Ch*&k. 3 older women were outside of a Filipino store locally and were robbed. This is getting out of hand.
and it is not just white people doing the attacking. i have seen black people and hispanics hating on Asians as well. it is a really bad time for us.

my dad's older brothers, my uncles, were in the Japanese interment camps during World War II. i just read an article from the LA Times (https://www.latimes.com/projects/japanese-americans-incarcerated-us-world-war-ii-camp-speak-out/) and i remember that they had to go thru this then. i can't imagine what that was like for them.
I don't think it's happening in Boston. East coast.
i'm 100% sure it is happening, it is just not getting reported. like the gentleman i helped the other day. he did not want to report what happened to him to the police. most Asian cultures talks about one's face.....and it is not the physical face, but more like one's dignity or how one's peers would view the person......so this older Asian gentleman was to embarassed and did not want to lose face by reporting the incident to the police. he was only cut and bruised a bit.

a lot of these types of things do happen and are happening right now. you only see what is caught on camera.....unfortunately.

the only way we can stop this, is for everyone to agree that this IS happening all around you....whether you know it or not. and will you act on it when you witness it yourself or will you just ignore it and let the hate to continue?
this is such BS

i can't believe that the guys in the lobby did not do anything....THEY JUST WATCHED!!!!!!!!

those guys should be fired. they should have done something! i mean ANYTHING!!!! they could at least have helped the poor woman. instead one guy just closes the door. they do not call for help. they did not call the police or at least an ambulance.

to me they are just as guilty as the guy doing the beating.

really sad!!!!!!
so something just happened that i witnessed that has devastated me and has made me sooooo ANGRY right now.

earlier this evening after i came home from work. i decided to take my dog for a walk. right on the sidewalk me and my dog were walking, when a young Caucasian man (maybe 20?) came running past us. as the runner ran past us, i saw an older asian man walking toward us and the runner. i saw the runner could see the man and right when they were close, the runner pushed the man who then fell into the street. i quickly yelled at the runner and quickly ran up to the older gentleman and helped him from the street. i tried running after the guy, but he was way faster then i was and had a good start and i could not catch him.

luckily the older gentleman was ok, and there was no traffic on the street. this street can sometimes have a lot of cars driving by and he could have easily been hit by a car.

i asked him if he wants to report this and call the cops and he quickly shot down that idea. he just wanted to go back to his house. luckily it was just down the block as he was just starting his walk. i walked him back to his house to make sure that nothing else happened to him.

so i am an Asian American of Japanese decent. i'm 3rd generation Japanese American. never in my entire life have i felt so vulnerable right now. why are so many people so hateful?

and yes I am going to say this......i think that the rhetoric that came out of trumps filthy mouth calling the SARS CoV2 (otherwise known as Covid-19), the China Virus or Kung Flu......this simple, stupid, idiotic, and RACIST term for the virus has empowered idiots to blame anybody that looks Asian for the cause of the virus .



and like Rodney King has said...."Why can't we all just get along?"
Unless I'm reading this wrong,but it was reported and says, verified to where and who it was created. As you stated"you just witnessed it with your own eyes" witnessed what?? Stated " caucasian man pushed down an Asian man". First, how do you know it was racially based? Was runner Russian, Croatian, European? Also what made this incident have anything to do with the virus are who created it?(China Not Japan) Couldn't this unfortunate event just be an idiot runner with the brains of a dead animal doing it and Not racially motivated? As for the Kung Flu comment. Two of my Seven sisters thought it was funny as hell, even had t-shirts made with the comment... incidentally one of my sister's is Philippine and the other is Full blooded Japanese. Also I'm not saying it is or isn't racially motivated. Only saying that anytime something happens to any other race by a "Caucasian" person it's automatically a "Racist"based. Maybe I should of used that when three Blacks car (motorcycle)jacked me and after giving it to them, I was shot Three times (2 in the back, once in the stomach)as I walked away. No, that wouldn't work, cause I'm White. So how dare I claim it's racism....
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Unless I'm reading this wrong,but it was reported and says, verified to where and who it was created.
huh????? not sure what you mean here.
First, how do you know it was racially based? Was runner Russian, Croatian, European?
BECAUSE I SAID IT WAS!!!! the white piece of trash did not have to push the Asian man into the street. the sidewalk has plenty of room for both people. THIS IS A HATE CRIME no matter how you spin it. what else would you call it? it was a crime against an Asian man.
Also what made this incident have anything to do with the virus are who created it?(China Not Japan) Couldn't this unfortunate event just be an idiot runner with the brains of a dead animal doing it and Not racially motivated?
there is no way this was not racially motivated.....and yes this guy was an idiot. i'm sorry anybody committing a crime against Asian Americans is racially motivated. THIS IS THE TIME WE ARE LIVING IN!!!!!! WAKE THE F@CK UP!!!!!!!
As for the Kung Flu comment. Two of my Seven sisters thought it was funny as hell, even had t-shirts made with the comment... incidentally one of my sister's is Philippine and the other is Full blooded Japanese. Also I'm not saying it is or isn't racially motivated.
WOW you and your family are just as ignorant as all the racist assholes. I'm sorry but I find the term Kung Flu very offensive. and if i hear anybody saying that in my presence I will go out of my way to let that person know how I feel.....the term has a very sore spot for me. i have been bullied when i was a kid....they used to call me all sorts of names, and one of them was kung fu, which is a Chinese term......I AM A PROUD JAPANESE AMERICAN......so yes I FIND THAT TERM RACIST!!!!!!!!
Only saying that anytime something happens to any other race by a "Caucasian" person it's automatically a "Racist"based. Maybe I should of used that when three Blacks car (motorcycle)jacked me and after giving it to them, I was shot Three times (2 in the back, once in the stomach)as I walked away. No, that wouldn't work, cause I'm White. So how dare I claim it's racism....
Sorry but that is how it goes. Hate crime is up in America. And yes i agree that right now Asian Americans are getting hate not just from white people. the guy in NY who beat up an Asian lady in front of a luxury condo was a black man so yes you are right in that. But i see anybody who attacks Asian Americans as a hate crime no matter the skin. it just so happens that that piece of shit was white.
and @addermc for me being an Asian American, it really feels like we are being targeted. it is just how i feel. every time i go out and about i feel people's eyes are on me. i get stares all of the time now. there were a few times where i did not feel safe. i also worry about my mom. these attacks you here are all on older Asian people.

what i witnessed has made me angry. it has made me feel more alert on where i am. thank god i have a pitbull as my companion. nobody will mess with me when i am out walking with my dog. but if i have to go shopping alone, then i am always alert. i have even considered getting a stun gun or pepper spray. i am even have considered getting a gun as well.

and like i mentioned in my previous post, i have been bullied when i was a kid. as a kid, i got to see just how racist kids can be to me. i was beat up, and had been called many names....mostly stupid Chinese names because to them every Asian was Chinese. they made take off my shoes and had me walk in dog shit......my english lit. teacher in high school when it was time for roll call, on my very first day, he could not say my last name....instead he called me Quasimodo (the hunchback of Notre Dame), so now to all of my classmates i was this ret@rded hunchback. it was not until i lettered in sports did it mostly stop.....mostly.

so you see i grew up in a racist world and i know when i see racism.....and this was a racist attack on an Asian American gentleman. i have seen him a few times now....still walking his normal route. he said that he will keep on walking no matter what they do to him. he said that he would not let the incident get to him. i just wished that he called the cops and made an incident report on that asshole.

and finally yes i blame it on trump and his stupid remarks. i also blame him for emboldening racist people. he should have said something more dramatic about Charlottesville....."there were good people on both sides".....what a crock of shit. and saying things to the proud boys "stand down and stand by". no condemnation......nothing!!!!! it has made people think that it is ok to hate against other races.

Biden at least is standing up for us. He has made it a point to have a section in the DOJ to monitor hate crimes against Asian Americans.

THE HATE HAS TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This guy looks like a pro-wrestler. I can see why the concierge and doorman didn't intervene. Does that make me a racist? That being said did the staff offer her help after the incident? If not, I understand why they were fired.
its not that they intervene the man while the assault happened. its the fact that after he walked away, they closed the doors and did not help the poor lady. it turns out that the doorman and the other guy in the lobby were both fired. and no that does not make you a racist. but not offering to help is not good either.
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