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Story game

Suddenly a bright light shined and Rico was teleported to a new game .......

..but Karan the DPR didnt realize the deal was a sham to get Karan to test out the Zapper Gun and become the NEXT small piece on the game board.
rico suddenly was turned into the monkey game piece .
"rico whatz happpened"
kdpr"you are holding the gun at the wrong end "
...then suddenly..."B A N G !" ...the gun was wrongly pointed at ksrandpr's boof!..now karan too is among the tiny pieces but with a boof full of lead magnetized him...and.
"he snatched the reset gun ,pushed the reset button ,jumped in to the 4d achron machine and was out of story game before rico can blink an eyelid leaving rico alone with yeahha in the bedroom...."
"heyyyy! wheres myyy karan the Pookie Bear?"says Yeahha... then rico said "dontchoo you fret none, Yeahha pal..here he is.". Then Rico pulls out the Inter Galactical Apha-Centori III Superior Edition Isotopic Fiberoptic Ray Gun..and POOF.. karan was locked tight back in yeahhas cuddly arms and grips
...for some red face cartoon chick, that he almpst forgot to tell yeahha he had to unzip the kitty costume and will find the smuggled karand the pookie bear inside...the pookie bears are hot items this year!

Suddenly Rico was awakened from his yet another nightmare .He looked around and picked the newspaper to find melim had become a millionaire heiress with the help of his lottery ticket ....
..rico kicks himself as he gets ready for his dishwashimg job down at the Mickey D's, but plotting how he, yeahha and k the dpr can swindle his winnings back from melim...
Rico called the crew meeting .
Rico "We need two more memberondums to pull this heist "
Kdpr"Lets make it four more so we can be Justice League "
Yeahha "No eight more .So we can call ourselves Yeahha's eleven"
..to find the perfect cadavers for parts.then 9to said (..his "5" was donated to "The Cause").."hey! What about Stinkey! Hes got six legs and arms! Perfect for spare parts!..s they trekked out to...
Bundled them up in "authentic james t. Kirk undies material" and brought stinkies torso back to the lab....."nowwwww alll we need is a head" said simon bar sinister...
In the last episode.. everyone died off: either they all became zombie vampires and bit each other , suckig each others blood till they dropped or, as zombies, they had one huge feast and ate each other to "un-death".

New chapter:

It was Early in the morning and in the middle of the night....there was a knock at the door of Yeahha Manor

Yeahha came to the door and a bag of did poo had been lit on fire on his stoop. He put it out and yelled "freaking kids" threw away the remains of the bag and went inside.

Rico who had been watching since running for the door had an idea decided it was time to...
...time to put an end to them dang neighborhood kids coming around the Manor harassing the guests...its time to scare the hayale out of them so ...
and hid it inside the hollow of the tall rotted tree by the sidewalk that leads up to the the entrance of the Manor.


This is no ordinary Barbiepony...when the mean brats steals it and takes it home...the pony turns into a...
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