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Root Suggestions for boosting performance?

My girlfriend just got this phone, and the first thing i did was root it, debloat, and install the basics. (Xposed, a few modules, Viperfx) Before, and after, doing this, the phone is rather laggy. Short of changing the os, which i don't plan to do, is there anything else i can do to address this issue? Ive seen some posts on xda for other lg phones that mention flashing some kind of "pure performance" file that claims to speed things up, but i dont know anything about it. Thanks in advance for any tips, suggestions.
I'd recommend Clean Master. Clears system cache, boosts games and acts as a debloater (with root permission). Also, SetCPU, which lets you over clock the cpu. I used this app and saw a substantial performance boost. But on boot, I'd reset the app to your preference. And a side note, this phone does not have the largest ram, so try to stay away from ram heavy apps.
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I'm going to recommend that before installing an app like Clean Master you read browse through this thread discussing Android optimizers first.

As for boosting the performance of your Ultimate 2, it's not a high-end phone so you need to keep your expectations in line with its hardware specs. It has a decent camera, basic WiFi and cellular connectivity, a microSD card slot, and an adequate battery so it's a solid, basic smartphone but with only 1GB of RAM, a 1.2 GHz CPU, and an 800x400 res screen there's only so much you'll be able to do to enhance it.
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