I'd like to know how cursing indicates selfishness.
Selfish people care only about themselves, generally, in favor of the sensibilities of others.
It appears you need to do it, to cuss, so what do you think I am going to do, prevent you from doing that here? I mentioned scrolling past those posts which contain the sewage; it's easy.
So much for command of English, eh?
I inadvertently left the possessive apostrophe off the the term, "one's selfishness." Good eye
, but an exercise in silliness on your part.
I'd like to hope most people aren't such delicate flowers that exposure to profanities will make them wilt and melt. ..blah..
You seem to need to put forth an argument in favor of swearing, in response to my posted opinions about it; I find that strange. I'm appreciative of arguments in favor of or against this or that issue, but having to do with foul language?
Also, attempting to degrade one's credibility during that argument, credibility with the English language, over an overlooked apostrophe, seems cute but counter to dialog; we all misspell, miss-punctuate, scramble terminology and swear from time to time; but to do any of that habitually, with no desire to correct oneself, displays something leaning in the opposite direction of civility and decorum, two things which even a forum cluster such as this one benefits from greatly.
Indeed, the user guidelines, under the emboldened heading, "Strong Language," at
http://androidforums.com/introductions/704-site-rules-guidelines.html, go into this subject in a bit of detail as well as the overall civility issue.