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Switched off wifi for a week and only used 4g. A gig and a half used. Thanks unlimited data!


Well-Known Member
That little 4g icon popped up in my notification bar a couple weeks ago. Out of sheer curiousity, i switched off wifi for a week and used 4g exclusively at home to get an idea of what i'd be paying if i didn't get locked in unlimited data at just the right time. Looks like at this pace, i'd hit that 2gb sweet spot at about a week and a half.


And this is a week of no pron streaming! Crazy. I'm not streaming constantly. I'm not on my phone non stop messing around with data intensive apps. I watch a few youtube videos a day through the app, browse for maybe an hour a day on dolphin around from engadget to reddit to digg and back and forth. Stream maybe 15 minutes of pandora. This shit adds up in ways i never would've thought about.

reddit: clicking on every imgur link i can find for a half hour with files that range from 500k to a meg a pop, not to mention sifting through hundreds of comments

Engadget: the entire thing is a collective of pictures with a few words at the bottom

youtube: Even short videos can be 50 megs or more. A few videos a day could easily net 200 megs. A day!

As much as i'm digging technology and always being connected, if i was on the tiered data, no. Just no. Not paying $50 or more. Hey, i partly understand why the networks are doing this. But my sympathy for their network strength only goes so far. If you're giving us limits, start off at 5gigs for $30. Not 2. I mean 2....2?! I'll get a crappy flip phone and go back to actually paying attention to people around me before dishing out that kind of money. Normally i'd be on wifi half the time so i'm not even sure how much this would affect me, but for those especially in 4g areas that aren't always close to wifi, isn't 2 gigs just ridiculous?

Side note: my usage on 3g was usually about 2 gigs for the entire month. To state the obvious, 4g is making a huge difference
One of the best OPs I've read on here in a while. Thanks for reporting. Thankfully, I'm unlimited, but since I don't have any reception at my house or my basement at work, I'm forced to use wifi most of the day anyways.
That little 4g icon popped up in my notification bar a couple weeks ago. Out of sheer curiousity, i switched off wifi for a week and used 4g exclusively at home to get an idea of what i'd be paying if i didn't get locked in unlimited data at just the right time. Looks like at this pace, i'd hit that 2gb sweet spot at about a week and a half.


And this is a week of no pron streaming! Crazy. I'm not streaming constantly. I'm not on my phone non stop messing around with data intensive apps. I watch a few youtube videos a day through the app, browse for maybe an hour a day on dolphin around from engadget to reddit to digg and back and forth. Stream maybe 15 minutes of pandora. This shit adds up in ways i never would've thought about.

reddit: clicking on every imgur link i can find for a half hour with files that range from 500k to a meg a pop, not to mention sifting through hundreds of comments

Engadget: the entire thing is a collective of pictures with a few words at the bottom

youtube: Even short videos can be 50 megs or more. A few videos a day could easily net 200 megs. A day!

As much as i'm digging technology and always being connected, if i was on the tiered data, no. Just no. Not paying $50 or more. Hey, i partly understand why the networks are doing this. But my sympathy for their network strength only goes so far. If you're giving us limits, start off at 5gigs for $30. Not 2. I mean 2....2?! I'll get a crappy flip phone and go back to actually paying attention to people around me before dishing out that kind of money. Normally i'd be on wifi half the time so i'm not even sure how much this would affect me, but for those especially in 4g areas that aren't always close to wifi, isn't 2 gigs just ridiculous?

Side note: my usage on 3g was usually about 2 gigs for the entire month. To state the obvious, 4g is making a huge difference
I've heard some rather vicious rumors about what they're planning with the unlimited data, but I don't know how trusted the source is. Either way, I'm staying away from 4G. 3G is fast enough and is less of a drain on the battery. Hopefully by time 4G is actually as useful as 3G is now the unlimited plans with come back (unlikely) or the tiered plans will actually make sense.
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