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Switching to ATT soon. Needs halp?


Feb 2, 2011
Okay, so Sprint has finally fee'd me to death and I can ACTUALLY save about $10-15 a month with ATT. Here is what my family needs:

Husband- Android 2.2 (for Hebrew support) and physical QWERTY

Son- Entry-level Android is fine (he uses the Optimus S right now and it's pretty much perfect for him)

As for myself, I'm getting the Atrix, but I need to know if anyone has recs for ATT phones for the rest of my family. Thanks so much in advance!
Hmm. Thanks for the reply. I really wasn't wanting to go through the whole buying an unlocked phone process (looking for subsidized pricing). Will the Backflip, Flipside, or that little squarish one ever get a 2.2 update or are there 2.2 roms for them floating around out there? I have no aversion to rooting, if necessary.
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Hmm. Thanks for the reply. I really wasn't wanting to go through the whole buying an unlocked phone process (looking for subsidized pricing). Will the Backflip, Flipside, or that little squarish one ever get a 2.2 update or are there 2.2 roms for them floating around out there? I have no aversion to rooting, if necessary.

well if your gonna root then you can put 2.2 on any and not have to worry on if they will get the official update. I would also say that its possible something will be announced at MWC next week with those specs. when do you need to make the switch by?
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