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Help swype for sony s

Does anybody know any more about this? The download they send you is for beta only and is not the full version of swype. My tablet informed me that I would be more prone to vulnerability downloading from non market sights. So I stopped download.
Swype is non-market for the Sony S.
That is simply a standard warning they give, basically a disclaimer that you are stepping outside the Google infrastructure. Heck, installing apps from the Amazon appstore I had to allow non-market sources
Bottom line is either you don't want to download a non market source, or you don't want Swype.
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Swype is only available pre-installed, as mentioned. So on the Sony Tablet, it is not available as they chose to keep the experience more "vanilla". If you want something similar that is available in the Play store, try SlideIT.

The warning you see though happens with any side-loaded app, including the Amazon Market app as mentioned. So if you like Swype and are willing to use the Beta, I wouldn't let that warning stop you.
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