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Help Swype - how to change word


Android Enthusiast
Funny problem here. Each time I swype the word "getting," swype thinks I wrote "herring." And what's more annoying is that "getting" is not suggested as a possible word up above.

Is there a way to overcome this? Substitute "getting" for "herring"? Add "getting" as a possibility for "herring"? :p
Funny problem here. Each time I swype the word "getting," swype thinks I wrote "herring." And what's more annoying is that "getting" is not suggested as a possible word up above.

Is there a way to overcome this? Substitute "getting" for "herring"? Add "getting" as a possibility for "herring"? :p
I delete words I seldom use. Herring would be one of them. Long press on it when its in the suggested word box and confirm deletion. Adding words - type in the word and touch it in the box to add to dictionary.
Hmmm..thanks, but long pressing "herring" didn't offer me the option to remove the word.

Is there another way?
You can stop word prediction. While in a text message long press the Swype key, go to preferences, scroll down and uncheck next word prediction.
Thats odd you cant delete a word tho.
Thanks Cake. I ended up downloading Swype beta and this time, longpressing the word worked to delete it from dictionary.
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