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Swyper no swyping!

I don't believe anyone should text and drive for any reason..

With that said.. there are people who can talk on the phone while driving, and those who can't. There are people who can text, and those who can't...

With that said, I love fast cars and I love phones.. I don't think the two should ever mix.

"gn ovr 100 luv u mom"

Voice to text is a great tool.
I'm with those who like Swype in portrait only. I'm a LOT faster w/ the Android keyboard when in landscape, & I type in landscape about 90% of the time. When I type in portrait it's usually when I have one hand full or just need to pop out a quick message. It would be really cool to set it up to use Swype while in portrait mode & Android keyboard while in landscape!
I had 1.61 version of swype last month.. It was awesome!

Then it expired and I had to get 2.44.. It doesn't look as cool and nearly half my words are misspelled.

I'm not sure what they did wrong or why they would change it but 2.44 is awwwffullll.
Love Swype on X (coming from a BB Curve physical). I agree with the above comment regarding humidity - sticky fingers don't swipe well.

When I see people pecking out text or email, I almost cringe at how tedious it seems now. Sywpe is so much faster in most cases.
Beta is closed and has been since June. I'm not sure why people post this link.

Maybe. They say it's closed, but I know a few people who've been able to get it anyway. That's why I post the link;)
I've been registered since July and never received anything.

Maybe I'm blacklisted :eek:

Even when it says it is closed, sometimes you can sneak in. When I registered, it was closed and I went back to the website, and clicked on the resend invite link, and they registered me. Before that, I was running the bootleg versions, and they kept expiring on me. Keep after them, and you may be surprised....
Love Swype on X (coming from a BB Curve physical). I agree with the above comment regarding humidity - sticky fingers don't swipe well.

When I see people pecking out text or email, I almost cringe at how tedious it seems now. Sywpe is so much faster in most cases.

Lol the flat plastic buttons on my lg neon would seem like hell.. they sorta "pop" when you hit em. -.-

starts hurting my thumbs pretty bad if I text a lot x.x wouldn't be as bad with nails.. but, I have to physically press them which just feels off.
Swype IS faster if you give it time. It's funny how I'm a fast typist but when I use swype, all of a sudden I can't quite remember where the v's and n's are. LOL
But with a bit of practice and relearning the keyboard for one finger use it's much easier and faster.
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