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Syncing like contacts on ZTE Zmax Pro

Susanita DLC

May 19, 2017
Hey everyone,

My friend purchased a ZTE zmax Pro for me a few months ago. I couldn't buy the phone myself because I am with AT&T. So when I purchased the phone, it was locked. Unfortunately, I had to wait the 3 month limit so I could automatically unlock it and start using it with my AT&T network. Well, a few days ago, I could finally unlock the phone. I was thrilled!! It seemed like things were working ok, but I noticed in the contact list on my device, there are multiple contacts listed for one person. For example, If I have a contact name Julie, there may be 3 separate listings for Julie.. One for Skype, one for Whatsapp, and one for her phone number. In my old phone, all of this information would just be under one contact name. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!! :)


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