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Help T-Mobile Galaxy S3 4G, but no Lte??!!

This is my issue and a copy of what I posted on their support website, with still no answers... can anyone here, give me an answer or two to my questions I listed after/below;

So I just became a new customer, bought two new Galaxy S3's and opened two lines of service. After getting home, I found the manufacturing date on the boxes, and while the phones are "new" and not used/refurbished, I somehow ended up with phones that are almost a year old (11/2012). Wouldn't be a big deal except I bought what I thought was 4glte phones, after being talked into them (despite wanting a basic, cheaper phone). I even used a store demo model, with lte, and it was lightning fast. I get home and open these up, it only shows 4g. I have a friend with T-Mobile galaxy 3 lte, i held his in one hand, mine in the other. His was lit up 4glte like an x-mas tree and was quicker than mine. Wtf? So I do some research, and come to find out that the 4g is a disco model, and Samsung released the LTE model. I called T-Mobile 3x; the first guy tells me he will send me new lte phones. 2 days later i check and it wasnt done, so i call back and the second guy basically tells me I got screwed, no phones were sent/swapped and go back to where I bought them (Staples), they aren't 4glte phones and never will be. If that store only has and is selling 4g phones, go to another (actual T-Mobile) store and simply ask to explain and ask to swap (via the 14 day route). Well, I went to the Staples store that sold them to me, and yep... only 4g models, and the actual rep who sold em to me quit in those two days. Go to the local T-Mobile store, got literally laughed at and was told to call t-mobile, that I wasn't an actual customer of their store, and had I gone to them in the first place, I wouldn't be having this issue...So I call 611 again, explain it, and this time I'm told by a woman that my 4g phones are "lte capable", and if its only showing 4g its a reception issue, they will send an email/note/whatever to the engineers and ill be called back... that was 2 or 3 days ago... no call, surprise! I've gotta be honest, I dont believe for one second my 4g model is lte capable. If that were true, why did samsung disco the 4g and release a separate lte model? I've spent enough time over in all the android forums and online searching and Wikipedia, to know its an internal hardware ability of the phone, NOT an engineers ability to flip a switch and give it to me... Am i a t-mobile engineer, or do i work for samsung with first hand knowledge? Nope. Does that mean i deserve to be lied to? I'm very close to ending my contract before it even starts. Not only do I feel lied to by a salesman with a "bait and switch", but the 1st rep shouldnt have offered new phones and then not deliver, the 2nd couldve offered to swap and mail me lte phones for exchange, instead he sent me to a physical store that he probably knew wouldnt exchange them because i didnt buy them there... if that is what T-Mobile is willing to do as a company (whether at a physical store or online or over the phone), he couldve just solved it right then and there over the phone! I dont feel like the 3rd phone rep was honest with me either... completely different story as opposed to the first/second reps... and i haven't been called back and had anything explained to me, therefore my 14 day clock keeps counting down without a REAL answer and solution. Meanwhile, I havent once even acted frustrated or mad when dealing with anyone. I know its not the actual phone reps fault that happens to answer my call, but don't lie to me either. Give me an answer, a solution, an explanation. .. something...
Sorry, didn't post my questions. .. first, am I being screwed over? Is there a model difference between my 11/2012 4g and a 4glte Galaxy, or is mine "lte capable" as they stated? Am I over reacting? Will 4g be around long enough to not really worry about it, or will it disappear and leave me in 3g only status? Am I mentally incompetent? Was I not loved and hugged enough as a child?

Any help is mucho appreciated
Gotta be honest, its much faster than the Virgin 3g I was on, easy to tell, but I downloaded speed test and here's a screen shot. I'm sure it's terrible speeds, and I don't know how to really translate these results, so here ya go, for your entertainment... fill me in please


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These are pretty typical HSPA+21 speeds. If you get into an area with HSPA+42, you'll see your download speeds jump up to between 15-25mbps. These are more than enough for most everyday usage in all honesty
On average with hspa+ i get about 7mb/s and the highest ive had was a ballhair away from 15. Ive seen people on lte get lower though. It all depends where you are i suppose.
so in that s3 version, surely its only a firmware difference? Or is it hardware?
On average with hspa+ i get about 7mb/s and the highest ive had was a ballhair away from 15. Ive seen people on lte get lower though. It all depends where you are i suppose.
so in that s3 version, surely its only a firmware difference? Or is it hardware?

They're different model numbers, so I'd imagine it would have to be a hardware difference. T-Mobile released the GNote II and later enabled LTE with a firmware update, but couldn't do the same for their S3. Further leading me to believe it's hardware.
Bit off topic but i just noticed you have chromecast mate. Thats another bummer that aircast wont work now :banghead:
Do you have 14 days to end the contract or just exchange the phones? I thought the contract rule was 3 business days? If it's 14 just return them and then go through the tmobile store.
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