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T-Mobile MyTouch Slide FAQ's (WIP)


turbo drinker
This is a work in progress... Please continue to post support questions in the forum, but feel free to add to the FAQ's and we will update this post (to avoid information being lost later in the thread).

1. General Android phone FAQ's?
2. How can I improve my battery life?
3. Are there any MyTouch Slide Tips & Tricks?
4. What are the known problems with the Mytouch Slide?
5. Forum related questions.
6. What is root?/What does being rooted mean?
7. How can I fix/replace my screen?

Q: General Android phone FAQ's?
A: Here is a thread on general Android Phone FAQ's

Q: How can I improve my battery life?
A: Smartphones operate on a sort of spectrum. On one end you could put battery life, on the other end all those options like wifi/3g/sync (among other things). If you want great battery life you can't have those on all the time. If you want those on all the time, you won't get great battery life. It is best to find the compromise that works best for you and what you want most out of your phone.
Here are a couple of things that you could consider - adjust the screen brightness, do not use live wallpapers, switch off networks when not in use (WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS), adjust update intervals for widgets (do you really need twitter/facebook notifications every half hour?). You could also consider downloading a battery monitoring app such as JuiceDefender.

Q: Are there any MyTouch Slide Tips & Tricks?
A: Check out this section: MyTouch Slide Tips & Tricks

Q: What are some of the problems people have with their MyTouch Slide?
A: Check out this section: MyTouch Slide Support & Troubleshooting

Q: I have a question about how to do something around the forums.
A: Here is a FAQ devoted entirely to that: Android Forums FAQ

Q: What is root?/What does being rooted mean?
A: Here is a post explaining that: What is rooted/does being rooted mean?

Q: How can I repair mt MyTouch Slide?
A: This thread has step by step instructions:MyTouch 3G Slide Repair Guide
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