I'm in the midst of leaving Cricket (As well as its SUPER MEGA SLOW 3G & their equally slow deployment of/upgrade to 4G) behind in lieu of T-Mobile's monthly 4G service since it offers 4G service for THE SAME $50 to $60 I've been paying Cricket
For my phone, I'm looking at either the Samsung Dart or the T-Mobile Prism however I have some HUGE questions which could impact my decision to walk out of the store with the phone tomorrow. They are.....
* Does it support Flash (Either preinstalled or downloadable as an option from GP)
* Does it have front AND rear view cameras
* Which phone is comparable to it
I've already got the drivers to root the Dart when I rooted my Vitality so that shouldn't be a problem (At least I hope not) however I don't know if those same drivers would work with the Prism or not (Perhaps a category can be started on T-Mobile devices?) & I'd like to know the answer to the latter so that when I post here about it, I know where to go
For those who've never seen a T-Mobile Prism, Walmart has one on its website here if you care to see it. The Dart can be found here
Any info. you guys can provide would be much appreciated (I haven't been let down yet )
PC Bigboy
For my phone, I'm looking at either the Samsung Dart or the T-Mobile Prism however I have some HUGE questions which could impact my decision to walk out of the store with the phone tomorrow. They are.....
* Does it support Flash (Either preinstalled or downloadable as an option from GP)
* Does it have front AND rear view cameras
* Which phone is comparable to it
I've already got the drivers to root the Dart when I rooted my Vitality so that shouldn't be a problem (At least I hope not) however I don't know if those same drivers would work with the Prism or not (Perhaps a category can be started on T-Mobile devices?) & I'd like to know the answer to the latter so that when I post here about it, I know where to go
For those who've never seen a T-Mobile Prism, Walmart has one on its website here if you care to see it. The Dart can be found here
Any info. you guys can provide would be much appreciated (I haven't been let down yet )
PC Bigboy