Question 1: I purchased my s2 from Walmart last Thursday and mistakenly failed to sign up for the $30 plan and instead got home and called and signed up for the $50 Unlimited Text,Web,Calls not realizing how little the 500MB of 4G really was. And also how crappy my reception is in my home.
((Now I wish I had gotten Walmart's $30 Unlimited Text, 5GB Data and 100 minutes as it seems I will be using it more for downloading apps and browsing than I will talking since I do have a regular landline.))
HOWEVER, my problem is this: It seems that in my home I only get the Edge connection and not 4G. Only 4G when I'm upstairs and then only infrequently when I'm facing a window (lol).
But I didn't realize that even when I'm browsing within Edge that it still takes away from my 4G MB's. So if I use 300 MB even though most of it was on Edge I still get MB's deducted. Which means when I'm out of the house and get true 4G I won't have any left!
Is this how it works? Or are my MB being deducted in error? I suppose I'm trying to figure out if T-mobile discerns between whether my connection is Edge or 4G? Or are they just going by how much I am on the web/downloading, etc. irregardless of how I'm connected?
Question 2: Now knowing this, how easy would it be to switch to the $30/month plan? Would it be as simple as walking into Walmart and switching? Or do I have to get a whole new sim card? I've read where once you're on one plan you can't change it. Then I've read where others say there are ways that you can, but I'm not sure how without having to change my number again.
((Now I wish I had gotten Walmart's $30 Unlimited Text, 5GB Data and 100 minutes as it seems I will be using it more for downloading apps and browsing than I will talking since I do have a regular landline.))
HOWEVER, my problem is this: It seems that in my home I only get the Edge connection and not 4G. Only 4G when I'm upstairs and then only infrequently when I'm facing a window (lol).
But I didn't realize that even when I'm browsing within Edge that it still takes away from my 4G MB's. So if I use 300 MB even though most of it was on Edge I still get MB's deducted. Which means when I'm out of the house and get true 4G I won't have any left!
Is this how it works? Or are my MB being deducted in error? I suppose I'm trying to figure out if T-mobile discerns between whether my connection is Edge or 4G? Or are they just going by how much I am on the web/downloading, etc. irregardless of how I'm connected?
Question 2: Now knowing this, how easy would it be to switch to the $30/month plan? Would it be as simple as walking into Walmart and switching? Or do I have to get a whole new sim card? I've read where once you're on one plan you can't change it. Then I've read where others say there are ways that you can, but I'm not sure how without having to change my number again.