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Taking delivery of 2 Kyocero Rise phones


We helped our daughter purchase a Virgin Mobile Kyocero Rise phone at
Best Buy for ~$100 this past January after her Sprint phone suddenly
died. Had no time to shop around. She has been very happy with it.

Had no luck finding demo phones to fiddle with. Best Buy and Sprint just
have display models. :(

Ordered 2 Virgin Mobile Kyocero Rise phones from Amazon for ~$75 each.
They'll be delivered today or early next week. We both have the Sprint
Blackberry Curve 8330 phones with billing periods about to end. Mine is
5 years old, and had no issues other than the trackball and battery

Other than the Empire Full Coverage Black Cases, haven't ordered any
other goodies for them, but will need holsters.

Have been checking out the FAQ, tips and so forth. Much appreciated! I'd
think a FAQ aimed at new Kyrocero Rise owners would be a great resource.
This forum seems to be more geared towards developers than users.

My career consisted of programming, database/web development, and
wafer fab manufacturing simulation systems. Am a babe in the woods
when it comes to android phones. :)
Received both phones from an uniformed government agent late yesterday afternoon.

My zip code denotes a rural area with little or no service although we're just a block
from a zip code with decent to good service. Had to use the latter zip code to get
the first phone activated. 2nd phone won't be activated until this coming Friday.

Currently using a Virgin Mobile temp phone number which will be closed after the
land line phone number is transferred over. Advised not to create online account
with temp number and that first payment on my $45/mo plan won't be due until

Phone was quickly going to sleep whenever I paused to read the online manual. Did
not know whether the phone was malfunctioning or had a super short sleep mode. I
read the online manual to find out how to access the settings.

Had to tap menu->system settings->display->sleep and changed factory setting
from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Am now using Virgin Mobile Manuals & Cell Phone Guides | Virgin Mobile to get up to
speed with the new device.

Using online manual, I clicked Device Management then // Conserve Battery Life
to see the options for helping the battery last longer between charges. Baby steps.
Good luck, it takes awhile to get up to speed on android frin scratg but these are pretty cool phones (except the camera). It's worth it! Enjoy!
Good luck, it takes awhile to get up to speed on android frin scratg but these are pretty cool phones (except the camera). It's worth it! Enjoy!

Thanks, Mike! The manual doesn't do a good job of showing which
side the connectors for charger are inserted in the device and the
plug. Very tight fit to say the least.

Also, the manual makes it look as if you just have to lift one side
to install/remove battery rather than the whole thing.

Am sure the camera, even though it's so-so, is better than the one
in my Blackberry Curve. :)
I lift the back off with the little cut out on the one side and then remove the other side once it's loose, it's a little on the tricky side. The usb charger plug is a little tight on this phone compared to my old optimus V but you get used too it. The other weird quirk I've found on this phone is having to hold the power button down for awhat seems a really long time before it powers on.

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