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Target Shooting

I love marksmanship, I was actually a range coach at Parris Island for 3 years when I was in the Marine Corps. Its still one of my favorite hobbies to this day.
I love marksmanship, I was actually a range coach at Parris Island for 3 years when I was in the Marine Corps. Its still one of my favorite hobbies to this day.

I love it too. My next project is to put a scope on my S&W Mod 29 44mag so I can knock the speck the other flea's ass at a hundred yards.:D
Living in Dallas/Fort Worth I have access to at least a dozen ranges indoor and outdoor. I generally just go out of a friends property and set up my own targets for whatever I feel like shooting. It's a nice spread with a slight uphill ending about 250yrds out so I can shot just about anything there.

I gave up on the ranges. I love shooting but I take it seriously. These days the ranges seem more and more to be populated by idiots with guns bought from the truck of a car. Then of course the range officers who are just there for a paycheck and are more concerned with updating their facebook status than they are with keeping the range safe! Range owners don't seem to care either as it's a paying customer in the lane.
i use a private range where we police ourselves. our indoor range we can set up courses to practice for IDPA and USPSA. we don't have idiot members at our range.

we have one range that is pretty decent though. very professional, but their prices are steep. i used to go down to Blackwater to use their ranges. the indoor ranges at the military bases here are pretty good also.
I enjoy shooting my XD40sc, LCP, and of course some of my rifles. One of the best that little 10/22 Ruger. Cheap to shoot and always great to go out to relieve stress with some plinking.
I bought an AR-15 about 3 years ago but haven't shot it much until recently; I've been upgrading it alot and want to try to go to the range at least once a month now. I want also to do some 3-gun tournaments, but I'll need to get a handgun and a shotgun first. My next purchase will probably be a Sig Sauer P226 Navy or Elite.

Here's my current AR setup:


(How do you post images here? It shows them as an "X" when I try...is there a size or pixel limit?)

Stag Arms AR-15 M1
Trijicon ACOG TA31F
YHM SS Phantom
Surefire M73
Surefire X300
Surefire RTS
Sog Armory ONE- Point Sling-Bungie
...And a few other things...
my suggestion if you are going to do 3 gun: don't go with a treaditional DA/SA pistol like the SIG Navy. single action, DAO or hybrid(GLOCK, M&P, SIG DAK system, etc) are faster, and you don't have to worry about decocking at transition(i use a SIG P229R DAK).

get a semi-auto shotgun. i use a Remington 1187 Policewith +2 mag extension for 3 gun. the FN SLP is getting very popular lately. if you want to spend some cash, the Beretta semi-autos are awesome. if you get a pupmp action, you will only be able to use it in one division(ex. - USPSA Heavy Metal Limited).

that ACOG should do fine. i like a variable because sometime the course has short and long distances. 4X at 50yds kinda sucks. i used to use an EOTech with a flip 3x magnifier, but have found the Burris XTR 1-4X more to my liking.
I'll have to look at those other pistols. The close shots with thge ACOG can be slightly annoying, as you said, but that is also why I got the Surefire RTS as well (though I'm not sure what the rules are with multiple sites for the shoots).

You should be able to notice them in both the pictures.
SureFire Rapid Transition Sights | Iron Sights

I haven't looked into shotguns at all yet. My friends dad has a really sweet one, it may be similar to that police one that you have, I'll have to ask him what one it is.
I bought an AR-15 about 3 years ago but haven't shot it much until recently; I've been upgrading it alot and want to try to go to the range at least once a month now. I want also to do some 3-gun tournaments, but I'll need to get a handgun and a shotgun first. My next purchase will probably be a Sig Sauer P226 Navy or Elite.

Here's my current AR setup:
Imageshack - cimg0068i.jpg
Imageshack - cimg0067a.jpg

(How do you post images here? It shows them as an "X" when I try...is there a size or pixel limit?)

Stag Arms AR-15 M1
Trijicon ACOG TA31F
YHM SS Phantom
Surefire M73
Surefire X300
Surefire RTS
Sog Armory ONE- Point Sling-Bungie
...And a few other things...

That is a sweet looking rifle. I don't hunt anymore and don't get to plink much but I do know if an unwelcomed visiter comes around my house and I unlease a 300gr 44mag hollow point, if I don't hit him after blowing half of the wall apart he will be running for the hills and craping his pant's at the same time.;):D And props for you guy's that do match shooting. Many years ago I had a Thomson center fire that I did target shooting with.
I bought an AR-15 about 3 years ago but haven't shot it much until recently; I've been upgrading it alot and want to try to go to the range at least once a month now. I want also to do some 3-gun tournaments, but I'll need to get a handgun and a shotgun first. My next purchase will probably be a Sig Sauer P226 Navy or Elite.

Here's my current AR setup:
Imageshack - cimg0068i.jpg
Imageshack - cimg0067a.jpg

(How do you post images here? It shows them as an "X" when I try...is there a size or pixel limit?)

Stag Arms AR-15 M1
Trijicon ACOG TA31F
YHM SS Phantom
Surefire M73
Surefire X300
Surefire RTS
Sog Armory ONE- Point Sling-Bungie
...And a few other things...

Realy Realy nice gun!
I hate living in NY. You guys can have the coolest guns. I'm lucky enough to have a pre ban lower so I guess I could build one.....
Nice. What can do you have for the first one? Also, How did you link the actual image on the forum?

That suppressor is a YHM 30cal that I use on this AR15 sometimes as well as my AR10 for intermediate range stuff. I have use bolt guns for my competition rifles to go out past 1,000yds.

As far as posting pics you need to host your images somewhere, in my case I now use Picasa since it's Google's online storage that you can use for free up to a certain amount of storage. It's part of my HTC Evo (Android device) so uploading is a simple task. One the image is hosted somewhere you right click it to get the location. Copy that to your clip board and once that's done you paste it to a forum post and tag it with proper image code. Most forums make it easy and if you look up above the field where you type you will see a small yellow icon with mountains on it.. kind of loooks like a post card or something. Click that, paste your image location that you copied to your clip board and then click OK. It will automatically tag the url so that it displays an image instead.

For instance, here's the link to a photo of my aforementioned AR10. This would be the part you would copy to your clipboard as I mentioned earlier:

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_...AAgM/fe4suM_ADDE/s640/2010-04-21 15.06.09.jpg

If you add the tag
after you get the following image to appear:

Someone say Shooting???

I like to target shoot/practice/plink when it cools off out here. Favorite is handguns, but Im good with a rifle (300 win mag) to about 350 yards. Also like sending rounds into steel plates as fast as I can :)

Chris4x4 mp5 - YouTube
Been an NRA pistol instructor for 30 years, some of the stories that I could tell you. Let's just say that some clients definitely didn't receive their credentials from me.
I like to take things other than targets, to the target range and shoot them. Procedures manuals, photos, letters from IRS..

In the desert, I like to kill innocent empty beer cans, blow up propane tanks, etc.

I don't like rifles, I like hand guns.
I like to take things other than targets, to the target range and shoot them. Procedures manuals, photos, letters from IRS..

In the desert, I like to kill innocent empty beer cans, blow up propane tanks, etc.

I don't like rifles, I like hand guns.
I tend to shoot things that I have a personal issue with. For example, My last vacuum had it out for me. It was a POS from the time I first plugged it in. Long story, but rather than return it, I "fixed it" myself.

TacomaSaltRiver007.mp4 - YouTube
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