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Tempted to get a V10


Apr 26, 2010
Im seriously thinking to get a V10 but am put of by a few things,mainly the screen compared to Samsungs. I currently have a note 4 and love the size of it and the screen quality.i dont use the pen so much so wont really miss that. I like the camera and video capabilities of the V10 but the new galaxy s7s cameras look like they will be very good. so V10 or do i wait for the s7 Edge.
what to do !!!!
If the stylus is not a deal-breaker for you, the V10 is the superior handset. It has a base 64GB of storage, with unlimited expansion through the SD card slot. It also has a removable battery.

The second screen is really useful because incoming calls and notifications are displayed there instead of covering your entire screen when, say, using Google Maps. The V10 is also a more rugged and less slippery device.

I also prefer the LX skin over Samsung. My dos centavos.
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If the stylus is not a deal-breaker for you, the V10 is the superior handset. It has a base 64GB of storage, with unlimited expansion through the SD card slot. It also has a removable battery.

The second screen is really useful because incoming calls and notifications are displayed there instead of covering your entire screen when, say, using Google Maps. The V10 is also a more rugged and less slippery device.
My dos centavos.
Uncle Vinny nailed it!

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