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Hi folks. I'm eying the Vibrant as my first Android phone (yep, starting at the top), coming from a long line of Palm OS devices culminating with a Treo 680. So far I like most of what I see, with two caveats: The lack of camera flash (I've not had one before, but with a 5 MP camera it seems a waste to not have one) and the lack of a physical keyboard.

I've yet to meet an on-screen keyboard I liked, but I've not tried a 4" screen before. Any first impressions, especially from people used to physical keyboards? Good, bad, ugly? Honestly that's the main thing I'm worried about.

(If only the Epic 4G were coming to T-Mobile instead of Sprint I'd jump on it in an instant. *sigh*)
I am in the same boat as you, my last phone was a verizon env touch and I've never had a full touch phone before, always relied on a physical keyboard. After using it for only a day, I gotta say I love swype. It makes typing so fast and its really accurate even if you mess up a little bit. Type for 15 minutes with it and youll be a pro. If pecking away with your fingers is easier for you, it's very doable also. The 4" screen makes for a fairly large keyboard, especially when the phone is sideways.
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I used to have a sidekick and never though I'd be able to use a touch screen. After my sidekick died I had a BB storm which is a touchscreen but a little bit different than most. At first I hated it but I grew to like it.

Swype is the best keyboard ever, in my opiion :). I LOVE it. I can type so fast, even faster than I could with a physical keyboard. I'm amazed at how smart it is. When I'm really going fast I get pretty sloppy yet it still knows what I meant. Plus the ability to "teach" it words is pretty cool too.
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