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Texting issue on Cricket


My wife and I both have an unlocked LG G3 (T-Mobile variant) and have it set up on Cricket Wireless. We've been having this weird issue where text messages won't send/receive and the only thing that will fix the problem is to make a phone call. I've contacted cricket several times and they've done the usual "reset the service" asked to factory reset the phone. The factory reset works for a couple of days, then the problem shows up again. I've looked in to APN settings and found a reddit where someone found that they're proxy.aiowireless.net was resolving to different addressed depending on whether you were connected via wi-fi or via 4G. I tried setting the proxy to one of the "4G" IP addresses and that didn't seem to fix the issue either. Can anyone recommend a fix to this? It's driving us both crazy.

We're missing text messages and we only realize it after we make a phone call and a flood of text messages comes in. I will also note that my wife had similar issues on the Amazon Fire phone, but she used it for such a short time, it was hard to diagnose. We thought maybe it was just a problem with the fire OS.

You using stock SMS App or an app from Google play? I had this issue with aftermarket apps and it resolved itself with app updates.. The stock app on my phone never had the issue

If your using an app that's not stock, try the stock app just to see..

I haven't seen this issue in a long long time! I only had it right after the Cricket Merger
It happens on the stock "messaging" app. And other apps for that matter (G-messenger, textra). The "chat" support is terrible on cricket, so I sent an email. They've opened up a service ticket and the guy i was talking to appeared to be more knowledgeable.
I don't have much to add, as I too had text issues, which were also resolved, by using either the stock app again, I was using the Google;e messenger at the time, so from much research, found out that many others were having the same issue, and decided to go back to the stock app, and problem was resolved. I have since been using Textra, and have not had any issues, I did try the Google Messenger app after a few months, and was still having issue with it, so I went back to Textra. Hope you resolve this issue, as I know it can me a PITA. Keep us posted on your progress, as I am sure other will be glad to find out your solution, once you find it. ;)
Yes, I did send an email to the address you noted above. The chat support is a joke. They don't have any idea what DNS is or how name resolution works. Anyway, Billy at the email address knew about the name resolution issue with the proxy but since my issue is related to any kind of text messaging (not just MMS), he said that shouldn't be the issue. He's opened a technical service issue for me so we'll see where it goes. If I have the problem again, I may root and ROM it to see if it's a carrier mod issue from T-Mobile. Problem with that path is that bluetooth doesn't work right with any ROM i've tried.
The tech support people will actually text you when they are working on the issue.. And will respond when you txt them back! Also, I have worked with Billy before and he will take care of you
Whelp, heard back from Billy at Cricket. Not sure it's going to be much help to a Verizon phone, but here's what they think the issue is:

Our IT team has located the issue. Jeff spoke with your wife to explain what was going on which is that the T-Mobile visual voicemail app is interfering with your text messaging. To disable the app just go to settings->applications->visual voicemail->disable. If you have any questions or issues please let me know.
Well u gotta remember carriers might use the same vendors for stuff like VM.. So to them they might see it as T-Mobile on their end when it really isn't..

Did disabling it work?? Cricket automatically disabled stock visual VM on my device and I don't even have access to it anymore so that might actually be the issue

Let us know :) that way we can help others lol
It's hard to say whether or not the voicemail trick worked. I reset my wife's apn settings last night to use the mms hostname (proxy.aiowireless.net) instead of one of the IP addresses it resolved to while on 4G. She received a flood of text messages from her group of friends. Problem was that they all came in as individual text messages (not group) and none of them downloaded. Tapping on "download" did nothing (only a little spinny circle). So I've updated Billy on that status.
My txt come in individual txt from some carriers and groups from others.. I think that depends on the carriers
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