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Thanxsgiving 2021....what's for dinner?


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
hey guys,

so i just finished grocery shopping for Thanxgiving this year......this year we decided to go with glazed ham instead of turkey. i'm thinking of doing a slow grilling it as well. gonna try a bourbon/pineapple glazed grilled ham. the sides will will mashed potato and mushroom gravy, cauliflower and celery root gratin with cave aged gruyere cheese, and green bean caserole(crap i forgot the frenched onions!!!!!)

anyways just curious if you guys plan on cooking for those who celebrate Thanksgiving....and what is on the menu if you are cooking.
i still have not tried deep frying a turkey just yet......nor have i tried cooking duck. the only time i cooked duck was when i went to culinary school and we cooked a duck breast. might have to try that this xmas maybe.
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We are getting together, but the day after I will be able to head back to my side occupation, but something is pestering me of having the day before that one, of having a party for me over there with everyone, so my belly, photos, and heart will be full :)
I do not think that far into advance at all.. :)
We are doing Thanksgiving at my granddaughter's house this year. Turkey and ham will be smoked and everyone is bringing sides.

We are also doing our traditional turkey after turkey at the cabin over the weekend. The same sort of gathering and sharing but with friends instead of family.

I look forward to both occasions. It's always fun to get together and share a meal.
Thanksgiving is Thursday, right? Yeah, I don't know: I've a leftover curry to finish tonight, but not sure what I'll have on Thursday.

But I will be thankful for the reduction in my email for a day or two while my US colleagues take a holiday ;).
I've never liked cranberry sauce so the only logical answer is "No!!!!!"
i love cranberry sauce, but it goes really well with turkey and gravy because it cuts that richness from the gravy. i am doing mashed potato and gravy, however, but i don't think it will mesh well with the ham.
Going to a mutual friend of mine for breakfast, then to her sis-in-laws for lunch time around two in the afternoon,
and heading over to my other siblings, my blood sisters at that evening. :)
Now that we are all stuffed with our Thanksgiving fest, and all of the leftovers are neatly stored, what clever meal is slated for the remains?

We celebrated at my granddaughter's so leftovers is a non factor for me this year. Traditionally we'd make a turkey pie out most that was left. Dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and chopped up turkey. Often the pie would be topped with biscuits to brown on top.
If there was still remaining turkey, turkey salad for a day maybe two.

What is your favorite post Thanksgiving dinner?
Now that we are all stuffed with our Thanksgiving fest, and all of the leftovers are neatly stored, what clever meal is slated for the remains?

We celebrated at my granddaughter's so leftovers is a non factor for me this year. Traditionally we'd make a turkey pie out most that was left. Dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and chopped up turkey. Often the pie would be topped with biscuits to brown on top.
If there was still remaining turkey, turkey salad for a day maybe two.

What is your favorite post Thanksgiving dinner?
well`we just had ham....so...gonna be making ham sliders tomorrow with pineapple and guyere cheese on a brioche bun. and i have to decide what to make with the hambone......probably a stew of sorts.
Now that we are all stuffed with our Thanksgiving fest, and all of the leftovers are neatly stored, what clever meal is slated for the remains?

We celebrated at my granddaughter's so leftovers is a non factor for me this year. Traditionally we'd make a turkey pie out most that was left. Dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and chopped up turkey. Often the pie would be topped with biscuits to brown on top.
If there was still remaining turkey, turkey salad for a day maybe two.

What is your favorite post Thanksgiving dinner?
I will type it all up tomorrow :)
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