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That metal key thing

Hi, I just got the S-10+ and liking it so far.

This may be the first of several questions that show my inexperience with these devices.

With the packaging, there is a metal key thing with a probe. I read this might be for accessing maybe the micro-SD card slot? There was nothing in the "Whats in the box" minimal literature on this metal key nor is there anything that tells me where to access and install a micro-SD

Are there any instructions or a manual...especially a searchable manual available for the S-10+? The Samsung site seems more intent on being flashy and cool and less on just giving me detailed info, down to the basics for me to get right to. Their chat has been somewhat helpful so far. A web search didn't answer my question easily on this specific phone.

I'm brand new with the S-10+ so I probably seem clueless. I jumped from an S5 I never really pushed the limits on either.
Screen shot from Samsung's site:
Sounds like it's an included SIM Ejection tool.
Those are always great to have on hand, best to keep em accessible for future use.. I keep a cpl, myself
Thanks svim. Interestingly, while I had a hard time finding this yesterday, after seeing your reply, I went straight to Samsung, found the S-10+, found that exact image then found the download for the manual.

bcrichster, please elaborate. If it's a sim card ejection tool, thats a one purpose tool. Have you found yourself needing to eject sim cards a lot, or are their other uses for the tool? I'm asking in all honesty and curiosity.

I read the site rules and I think I'm OK to post these links that may be redundant and already here somewhere...but...:

Link to S10/S10+ owners manual

Link to Samsung page of S10+ 128GB phone I have

Thanks again for the replies. Now to learn about this phone some more...
Does the S10+ have a separate SD slot, or is that integrated with the SIM holder?

If it has a separate slot I expect you can use the same tool for both. If it's integrated then you might remove the SD card slightly more often then the SIM, but it's still something most people only use occasionally.

These things have been standard for so long now that they may think they don't need to explain them: pretty much every phone uses them. In my experience a paperclip can also be used for the same job ;)
Thanks svim. Interestingly, while I had a hard time finding this yesterday, after seeing your reply, I went straight to Samsung, found the S-10+, found that exact image then found the download for the manual.

bcrichster, please elaborate. If it's a sim card ejection tool, thats a one purpose tool. Have you found yourself needing to eject sim cards a lot, or are their other uses for the tool? I'm asking in all honesty and curiosity.

I read the site rules and I think I'm OK to post these links that may be redundant and already here somewhere...but...:

Link to S10/S10+ owners manual

Link to Samsung page of S10+ 128GB phone I have

Thanks again for the replies. Now to learn about this phone some more...
Reference to both SIM and sdcard slots

Does the S10+ have a separate SD slot, or is that integrated with the SIM holder?

If it has a separate slot I expect you can use the same tool for both. If it's integrated then you might remove the SD card slightly more often then the SIM, but it's still something most people only use occasionally.

These things have been standard for so long now that they may think they don't need to explain them: pretty much every phone uses them. In my experience a paperclip can also be used for the same job ;)

∆∆ This is a better explanation ∆∆
"These things have been standard for so long now that they may think they don't need to explain them: pretty much every phone uses them"

Thanks, thats why I prefaced my question saying it would show my inexperience. The S-5 was my first smart phone, then I just jumped from that to the S-10+. The S-5 had no such key as I recall. You removed the back for the sim card and the MSD card I think. I'm still using the old S-5 as an MP3 player and general kick-around the garage device. As long as I get my wifi signal it does everything except call and text! They told me it was only worth $15 as a trade, I said, "heck, a decent MP3 player costs more than that, I'm keeping it!"
Ywah, the S5 was the last Samsung flagship not to need one of these. And most manufacturers were using them earlier than that.
A safety pin would work. Not worth an MP3 player. Sorry

Sorry for what? Was that a diss on my old phone or something? To each their own, it makes a fine MP3 player. It has all the music that is on my other devices and I can leave it near my Bluetooth speakers so the signal doesn't get lost when I walk away with my new phone. If I left my new phone somewhere else, the old phone is still an email and internet device for a quick look. Also, I use it out on my property with earbuds while I'm doing stuff like splitting wood and not worry about it getting damaged anymore (it has a wallet attached to it) and still pull it out to check the radar if I think a storm is coming (my wifi works over my entire 10 acres).
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I do see that HTC10 got good reviews for audio by C-Net back in '16. For the way I listen to music these days I dont find I need superb audio. I dont even have a proper stereo anymore...but I'd love to get one. My wife has gotten far too accustomed to my system being gone though! I used to literally bounce pictures off the wall with the subwoofer:D I have damaged my ears so much over my life I'm not sure if I could hear hi-fi/dolby anymore:p

I still love my music though!
OT: Do you still have a computer with a CD/DVD drive @Adrenoreceptor? You can still by physical musical media but you need something to rip it with. Every time I buy a used CD I rip it and use the little metal key to take out my MicroSD and transfer the ripped music from my computer to the card at the highest rate possible. You really do hear no things. Downloaded music always sounds the same.
I'm good on getting music and managing it. Been doing it since the old Napster days...talk about varying file quality! I also run everything I put on my devices through MP3 Gain to jack up and even-out decibel levels across all files. Even with that, and setting on devices to output everything evenly, some songs are still a little different volume.

But your question does remind me to go through all my old CD's and burn anything I haven't. When i have to replace this computer the new one wont likely come with a DVD drive. These days I usually just get stuff online, even stuff on my CD's now...I have my way of doing that..."cost effectively", but takes real time to do it. Ripping from CD is much faster.

I have no problem transferring music on my S-10+ or other androids. I just plug it in to my computer and copy and paste. No need to remove the storage card. I dont even have one in the S-10+. With 128 onboard gigs it will be a while before I need extra storage and my music is always backed up in several places,
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I've read that some people reccomend using a 'Safety Pin' to eject the SIMCard tray. This will work in a pinch, but keep in mind that the phone has a very high waterproof rating. If you MUST utilize a Safety Pin, perhaps dulling the pointed pin down on concrete or using sandpaper would be a good idea.

Please note that I mentioned - 'IF YOU MUST USE A Safety-Pin'' in my post, not a paper-clip. Naturally, most people realize that a paper-clip has a dull edge, it's a no brainer....
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