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The cat came back (I guess we've been adopted)


Android Expert
So, we are a cat family and living in a housing area, there are strays all over the place (just sad) but one little kitty has seemed to adopt us. She has been hanging outside for over a month now, getting quite used to us. We have been giving her some dry food and leftover cans from feeding our fuzzy kids.

I was not wanting to do this because I thought this may happen.

She has become really friendly with us, really chatty and tried to get in! Now, the sticking point (and I brought this up with the family) is we do have other cats.

At first everyone was going to get her spayed but I figured the better choice would be have her checked out and if she would bring any problems two our cats, we could bring her in. But no one liked that idea. Instead the idea was to take her down to the animal shelter. Well, this is an idea, but sadly if she was not adopted out after a set amount of time, well, she would be destroyed. Not cool :mad: Though, there may be no-kill animal shelters so I guess we could call and find out. I wonder if the city would know?

If she is left outside, I am sure she will keep in the yard, but there is a chance other kids will get to her, other animals, or some jackhole would run her down (two blocks away there has been several animals - including dogs, hit and killed) That and many jackholes decide to run cats over because they don't like them :mad::mad::mad::mad:

I do have a couple thoughts and that is to snap her picture and hit up both my job and twitter and see if anyone in the area would like a kitty, though who is to say a cat hater would take her just to get rid of her. I think I would trust people at work more then some random person.

If we could find a no kill animal shelter, I guess that would work.

Just rambling :)
It makes me happy that you are at least feeding her and trying to do good by her. I wish your family was ok with bringing her into the fold.
Another option is contact a vet and have her checked out and see if they know of anyone who is looking to adopt a cat. They would probably not take her but may put you in contact with someone who is looking for a cat.
Not sure where you are, but here's a list of no-kill shelters on Colorado: The nOkill Network > No Kill Animal Shelters > Colorado

Yeahha's idea is good as well. A lot of vets will do exactly that. Some larger animal hospitals will take them in to be adopted if they have room, too.

Hope everything works out for her. I know it must be really, really hard not to be able to take her in.

Tough Choices. I think I would try both work and Yeahha's Idea. I have 4 cats 3 that hang out inside and out and 1 outside who ironically adopted us. We live in an area where he is safe from that kind of abuse so we haven't had that worry. He is a scrapper though he runs a lot of other cats out the yard and he knows the cats that belong here. He's a really good cat we've though about taking him and getting him fixed however here its almost $200. I can barely make my house payment much less afford to get him fixed. We did get him all his shots though. I guess in the end you have to do what you feel most comfortable doing.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone :)
I will pass the info on and see if we can find her a home. She may be a momma soon :eek:
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