Perfect! I'll do that T-Mobile plan then. T-Mobile works great in my city, but not so hot in other places.Straight Talk give you unlimited minutes anyways, but the data from them is far from unlimited. However you could port your number to GVoice and set it on forward to the new number so that you don't have to worry about porting it to Straight Talk or letting all of your friends and family know that you have a new number. Another advantage or porting to GVoice is that if you choose to carrier hop for better deals or rates, you don't have any attachment to the carrier number, only the GVoice number.
What many GVoice users like to do is use the T-Mobile 30 prepaid plan. That comes with 100 minutes, unlimited text, unlimited data throttled after 5GB of usage. Port your old number from your carrier to GVoice, and then through the use of an app like GrooveIP or talkatone, you can make all your calls over Wifi or data once you set the forwarding service to go through Gmail.
I found a good app I can use with Google Voice. The quality seems better than the other ones I have tried. It's called Mo+ Phone for Google Voice and GTalk.
I tried Talkatone and Groove, and neither of them worked well. Lots of "You're breaking up" from the other end of the call.
This is awesome!!! First, dump Verizon. Second, figure out how the heck to dump Comcast. Is the throttled data on T-Mobile's unlimited data fast enough to stream video?