Thanks for your response. I did clear the cache earlier today
and it did seem to help for a few hours but now my phone is back to being extremely slow. Any other suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
OK, so from that we know your hardware is OK but something in software is amiss.
In stages -
Go into your setting, Accounts and turn off auto sync. Give it maybe 5 minutes and see if it's OK again. If so, it's having some issue there and that can be fixed. I doubt that this will help but it's quick and easy to check, and you never know - so, eliminate that.
Next look at your running apps with GSam Battery Monitor. If Media or Media Server keeps cropping up to the top or near it, checking, say, every 15 minutes for 45 minutes, then you have a bad media file and your phone is losing its mind trying to index it. That problem is usually accompanied by bad battery performance. This problem is not terribly uncommon in Android so it definitely needs to be checked. If you suspect it's that, go to app management, clear data on the media storage and restart the phone. After power is on, leave it alone for 20 minutes or so, see if the problem went away. You'll lose ring tone settings and stuff like that - no big deal to set up again. If the problem goes away but returns fairly quickly, it's likely a bad media file.
If it's either of those things, report back and we'll go through some steps as needed.
If it's not those things then it's safe to conclude that you have, or have had, some app misbehaving so that it eventually contaminates the operating system cache. Once the operating system caches (there are two) and the app caches are tangled up, there's no telling where or how the symptoms will appear.
I'd strongly recommend a factory data reset at that point. You can rely on the built-in backup features but I personally recommend Helium Backup.
Backup, reset, restore.